Suzanna Perdue Suzanna Perdue

Azmera BOLIVIA Haven Retreat 2024 | Prayer Calendar (April 14-21)

Hello! We are here for another week of praying for the women of our Bolivia Haven Retreat, thank you for the time you will spend praying. Please take time to ask the Lord to highlight the women He has set aside for you to pray for, and trust that He knows the why behind the leading. We hope you are encouraged, refreshed, and left with a new sense of the power of God as you spend time praying this week.


Sunday, April 14

The Bolivia Haven Retreat ends today! Pray for the women as they gather together, that their final time spent with one another would be refreshing, and encouraging and they would be given words of hope and truth to take with them. Pray for the Connection Crew as they lead their tables and conversations one last time, that each woman would be rested and ready to share as the Lord leads; pray for boldness, confidence, and trust.

Pray for the women as they begin their journey home, that there would be safety and protection over each one. Ask that the things they learned, were reminded of, and experienced will be rooted in their hearts and minds, to be remembered when they need it the most. Ask that the times they spent with God through worship and prayer would be cemented in their hearts, that they would be renewed and refreshed in heart and spirit. Pray that the words spoken to and over them in truth and love would continue to hold weight and power as they get back to families, jobs, ministries, and routines.

Pray for M and her desire for spiritual renewal. Ask for wisdom and direction as she seeks the Lord, that she will do so with an open heart and mind to hear His voice and to receive the good life, refreshment, and rest that He has for her. Pray that as she spends time with Him, she will do so with a joyful heart, and be filled with hope and anticipation for new life in Jesus.


Monday, April 15

Pray for K as she desires to love the people around her well, with actions and not just words. Pray she would be sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s voice and leading, and would be obedient to the things He invites her into. Ask that she would know she is a reflection of the Lord’s love to those around her, and would find contentment in simply being who He has created her to be.

Pray for W as she recognizes the weariness feelings of being burned out within her, that she would give herself grace to rest and see where God is waiting to restore her joy and fill her with new water. Pray for spaces of rest and quiet, to refocus her heart and soul on the Lord and on what He has for her, not just what she feels she has to give, but the things she can receive.

Pray for H to have wisdom and discernment as she navigates the conflicts and disagreements between the staff in the home she oversees. Pray for understanding and compassion to rise to the front of the relationships among the staff, for there to be kindness and acceptance. Ask for a spirit of truth and mercy to fill the rooms and conversations wherever the people are, that the presence of the Lord would be tangible and would lead towards holiness and good.


Tuesday, April 16

Pray for the Connection Crew as they begin the trip home. Pray for smooth flights, good timing between connections, and rest as they travel. Pray for time to continue processing the retreat together and with the Lord. Ask that the things they experienced and witnessed will be held close to their hearts, that they would give glory to God and know that He is good.

Pray for D and her family as they look ahead to the changes in their family as their daughter prepares to graduate High School and leave for college this year. Pray for peace as they make decisions and prepare for the transitions to come. Ask that these last few months they have together will be filled with happiness, hope, and excitement for what is to come, even as they treasure their time together.

Pray for L and her family as they prepare to move back to the US permanently this summer. Ask for wisdom and grace as they navigate packing and selling all of their things in-country, as well as saying goodbye to the culture, place, and relationships they have known over the past many years. Pray for their three boys as they prepare to leave the country and home they have known and grown up in.

Pray for J and her family as they adjust to a new normal with their 3-year-old son, who has new dietary allergies and restrictions. Ask that as they give thanks for answers and a new direction, they would also continue to seek the Lord for guidance and wisdom in navigating these things well. Pray for continued healing for him, as well as patience, kindness, and love for one another.


Wednesday, April 17

Pray for K as she is involved in figuring out whether and where to begin planting three separate churches this year. Ask for wisdom and guidance as they seek the Lord’s leading and timing, that there would be an increase in faith and trust as they listen to His voice and follow His leading. Pray she would be sensitive to the Holy Spirit and would know peace of heart and mind as she figures out what responsibilities and roles she will step into.

Pray for N and the new school that is currently being started. Pray for her as she manages new responsibilities and relationships that come with this new beginning. Ask for wisdom in decisions she is a part of making, for peace and clarity as they move forward with providing not only a place of education but a place of rest and peace for those they will be serving.

Pray for A and her family as they move back to Canada and go through the transition and adjustment phases. Pray specifically for their son who has behavioral and emotional needs and will need unique support, especially during this transition. Ask for a good community of people to come alongside them, for the resources and daily needs to be provided as they ask and wait on the Lord’s provision.


Thursday, April 18

Pray for R as she struggles with anxiety, that she would be able to find rest and peace for her heart and mind in the presence of Jesus. Ask for hope and trust as she looks ahead to what is yet to come, that she would know God’s presence with and for her. Pray for faith to increase in her, to trust God with all of the unknowns and uncertainties in her life.

Pray for K and her family as they continue to transition and make adjustments to living back in South America after spending time in the US, with getting used to being in a smaller space to live in, among many other things. Pray for comfort, peace, and a smooth season as they each get used to living in a different space and culture, that they would be gracious and compassionate with one another. Ask for peace and direction for their ministry team, which has also undergone some significant changes over the past year.

Pray for J to have wisdom and clarity as she struggles with anxiety and depression. Pray for God to lay protection and peace over her heart, mind, and body, that she would know His presence and power very specifically in this season. Ask for healing and hope in her heart and mind for herself, even as she focuses on her family and her desire for them to know the Lord, that she would remember that her health and well-being is just as important.


Friday, April 19

Pray for K as she waits on the Lord to reveal the next steps for her, as she plans to travel to Africa, that she would trust God’s timing and know His provision in each area of this journey. Pray for peace and excitement as she waits and looks ahead to what is yet to come. Ask for safety, protection, and provision over her.

Pray for C and the travels she is in the midst of, that she would know peace and safety in every step of this trip. Ask for provision and good health as she is away from home. Pray that she would trust the Lord with all the details of the things she is leaving behind, as well as the details of the things at hand and in the present. Pray she would enjoy her time and would see the fruit of the work that God has set before her.

Pray for S and her family as they continue to adjust and transition after being on an unexpected, lengthy home stay. Pray for a spirit of calm and peace to cover them as they restart ministries and jump back into relationships, that they would give themselves space and grace to figure out the new routines. Ask for wisdom and leading as they consider new ministries, that they would wait on the Lord and trust His timing.


Saturday, April 20

Pray for all the women who attended and volunteered as they get back into the rhythms and routines of life, family, ministry, and jobs. Pray that the things they experienced, encountered, and witnessed that were from the Lord would be cemented in their hearts, minds, and spirits. Pray they would see fruit from the words spoken to and over them and by them, and would see the work of their hands bringing continuous glory to God. Ask for protection and peace over each woman as they step out in boldness and obedience to the Lord.

Pray for the upcoming Haven Retreats and Adventures planned for this year, that God would be preparing the way for the women who will volunteer and for the women who will attend; for finances, time off, and every single detail and provision to fall in place and be made known in God’s perfect timing. Pray for the Retreat Managers and staff who will be planning and overseeing these things this year, for focus, intentionality, humility, and a desire to see God’s will be done in all things. Ask for grace, hope, and joy for these women.

Pray for the Staff and Board of Directors of Azmera, that they would be united in heart and purpose throughout this year as they seek to serve women and glorify God. Pray for a spirit of humility and surrender as God leads and directs them in new areas and asks new and challenging things of them. Ask for wisdom, discernment, trust, and a willingness to lay down plans and expectations as they follow where God leads.


Sunday, April 21

Finally, as always - thank you for being here with us these last two weeks. I hope that you have encountered God and heard His voice and leading as you have spent time in praying for the women who met in Bolivia, that you were encouraged and drawn closer to His heart through the time you spent with Him. As we head into the summer season, may you know the fullness of the riches of God, of His enduring and holy love for you. May you see Jesus all around you every day, in the beauty of nature around you and in the words, love, and laughter of those you encounter. May you know you are beloved and called by His name, and may the knowledge of who and whose you are change everything for you.



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Suzanna Perdue Suzanna Perdue

Azmera BOLIVIA Haven Retreat 2024 | Prayer Calendar (April 7- 13)


Azmera is headed to Bolivia for a Haven Retreat this week! We would love to invite you to pray with us for each woman attending, as well as for each woman who is going to volunteer as part of the Connection Crew. Please take time to listen to the Lord and allow Him to lead you as you pray, trusting that He knows who you need to pray for and why. We hope the time you spend with Him in prayer this week is life-giving and holy for you. Thanks for being here!


Sunday, April 7

Pray for the Connection Crew as they make their way to Bolivia today. Pray for health, safety, and smooth travels. Ask that God would bring this group of women together in a unique way, to be united in heart and mind as they prepare to spend the next ten or so days together. Pray for focused hearts and minds, for each woman to be present in each day, even as there will be things they left behind that will call for their attention, that they would be able to entrust the Lord to hold those things for them for this time.

Pray for J as she and her family as they get ready for a season of transition with her son finishing high school and the family deciding whether to stay where they are or take time to go with him and help him get settled. Pray for their daughter as she is in school part-time after homeschooling for several years, and for J as she balances the emotions of this season along with being both parent and teacher to her daughter. Ask for grace, wisdom, and happiness over each member of this family as they navigate the changes.

Pray for R as she struggles with burnout and weariness. Ask that she would recognize the Lord as He meets her where she is, that she would know His voice and tenderness as He takes the dry, tired, and empty places in her heart and mind and fills them with new life and fresh water. Pray she would give herself space and grace to be in the midst of these things, even while knowing they will only remain for a time and that new focus, perception, and emotions are yet to come.


Monday, April 8

Pray for the hotel staff, workers, and others local to the area who will come in contact with the women of this Haven Retreat. Pray that the word of the Lord will be made known through actions and the tangible love of Jesus through the women at this retreat. Pray for hope and new life to abound during this time.

Pray for K and her family, for overall health and wellness of body, mind, and spirit. Ask for peace over her heart and mind as she trusts and entrusts God with her family, for any fear and anxiety to be subdued in the name of Jesus. Pray for the time she spends with the Lord to fill her with peace that God is good and will provide for her and her family as He knows they need.

Pray for B to receive the truth that she is a beautiful fragrance to the Lord; that He sees her and is pleased with her and delights in her simply because of who she is. Pray that she would see and hear His voice, and would begin to trust the things that He says to her, as He speaks words of truth, life, and love to her and over her. Ask that she would begin to walk in confidence and boldness as she keeps her eyes on Jesus and follows as He leads.

Pray for G as she seeks a healthy balance of being a mom to a 15yo girl and running a foundation and all the responsibility and stress that come with both. Ask for wisdom and discernment in where she is spending her time and for courage and boldness in prioritizing her family and the time she spends with them. Pray for a solid group of people to surround, support, and encourage her.


Tuesday, April 9

Pray for K as she looks forward to the time of rest, renewal, and reset the Haven Retreat will offer. Pray she would make space in her mind and heart to encounter the Lord, hear His voice, and be open to receiving the good words of life and truth He is holding for her. Ask for a soft heart and open mind for the beautiful things God has in store for her during her time away.

Pray for O as she prepares to spend time at this Haven Retreat, that she would be able to set aside the ministry, responsibilities, and jobs that she is involved in for the time she is away. Ask for peace over her heart and mind as she steps away from her routines for a few days, for the time she is gone to be fulfilling and life-giving. Pray that as she encounters the Lord she will know truth and rest for her soul.

Pray for J and her husband as they walk through intense marriage counseling together. Pray for wisdom, clarity, understanding, and grace for themselves and one another. Ask that they would seek the Lord first in all things, and would trust His leading as He invites them into new areas of faith and trust, that they would know His presence and voice and would begin to see where and how He is making all things new.

Pray for S and her husband and their desire for wisdom in parenting their teenage daughters. Pray for their family dynamics and all the moods and emotions that shift and change on a daily basis in their household, that they would be sensitive and kind towards one another. Ask for understanding and discernment in conversations they have and in the boundaries and direction they put in place for their daughters.


Wednesday, April 10

Pray for the Connection Crew as they continue to get to know one another as they prepare for the Haven Retreat. Pray for a covering of peace and protection over them as they spend time worshiping and praying together, that there would be a unique sense of the presence of the Holy Spirit among them. Pray that they would have fun together, even as they enter holy moments and spaces.

Pray for Christina as she leads this retreat, for a soft heart and open mind to what the Lord has in store. Pray she would be willing to lay down her expectations and plans and give room for God to direct this Haven Retreat as He desires. Pray for rest and health over her.

Pray for Kari as she manages and coordinates this retreat from afar, that she would encounter God in holy and specific ways as she is stretched and challenged in new ways over the course of this retreat. Pray that she would know how beloved she is.


Thursday, April 11

The Bolivia Haven Retreat begins today! Pray for each woman as she arrives at the hotel, that she would know the space that has been prepared for her is sanctified, safe, and holy. Ask that each woman would know she is welcomed and wanted, and is being prayed for very specifically during this time. Pray for light and laughter to fill the spaces where the women gather.

Pray for protection over each room that will be used and occupied by the women at this retreat, that the presence of the Lord will permeate each corner and square foot. Pray for the atmosphere to shift as the women gather in His name.

Pray for Betsy as she teaches and shares her life and experiences with the women. Ask that she would lean in towards the Lord’s voice, and would be bold in sharing the things He places in her heart. Pray for her as she spends time with God, for her to be filled each day with rest, new perspective, and hope for the things she will witness Him do.

Pray for Jamie as she leads the women into God’s presence through music and worship. Pray that she would be sensitive to the voice of the Lord, that she would be obedient to speak up or step back as He leads. Ask that as she leads she will encounter God and will know His glory and magnificence and will walk away renewed and changed.


Friday, April 12

Pray for the first full day of the Haven Retreat, that as the women gather to worship, learn, and share with one another there would be a spirit of safety and holiness. Pray for boldness and vulnerability in sharing, and for words to be spoken and received with love and understanding. Ask for moments of truth and grace to be abundant.

Pray for Nan and Ann as they spend time counseling women on-on-one, that they would both listen intently to the voice of the Lord and would share the things He gives them with humility, grace, and compassion. Pray for truth and hope to be given new ground to grow in, for abundant life to spring forth from the conversations and times of prayer these women will share.

Pray for Patti, Sarah, Rosslyn, and Anita as they serve through the practical gift of giving pedicures and spending moments of prayer with the women attending. Ask that each of these women will rest well and be prepared for what each day will bring, that they will be filled with anticipation and excitement for what each day holds. Ask that there would be a unique sense of camaraderie and friendship as they serve together this week.

Pray for Elizabeth as she oversees the breakout sessions and makes space for the women to connect and be reminded of important things the women may have set aside. Pray that the time the women spend together in these sessions will be life-giving and provide space for hope to grow. Pray she will be focused and intent on what the Lord speaks through her, that she will remain rooted in Him.


Saturday, April 13

Pray for the Haven Retreat today, as the women continue to gather, to share and learn from one another. Ask for a continued spirit of authenticity and freedom to share hard things, to be received well, and to know love and grace beyond measure. Pray for the Connection Crew as they facilitate conversations and make space for truth and holiness to be made known, that they would be rested and energized for each day. Ask for a new sensitivity to the Holy Spirit as they wait on His leading and trust Him as He calls them into new areas of obedience and faith.

Pray for Laura as she spends time with women who are looking for Spiritual Direction, that those who enter conversation with her would know the voice of the Lord through her. Pray for protection and safety over the room she meets in, that God would have full reign over the spaces used, for truth and guidance to be shared freely and with the power of the Holy Spirit. Ask that she would be in tune with the Lord and would trust Him with the words of her mouth.

Pray for Amy Beth and Brittany as they facilitate the create stations and the environment in the room used. Ask that they would work well as a team; that they would encourage each other and give room for ideas and be free to try new things together. Pray that the women who enter this space will encounter the Lord through the activities and tools provided, that they would have fun and know they are delighted in.

Pray for Kristen as she ministers through the practical gift of giving haircuts and styling the women’s hair. Ask for God to bless the work of her hands, and the words of her mouth would be filled with truth and love and would be pleasing to Him as well as to the women who hear. Pray for her to speak in boldness and compassion as she leans into the voice of the Lord and speaks out as He leads.

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Suzanna Perdue Suzanna Perdue

Azmera TANZANIA Haven Retreat 2024 | Prayer Calendar (February 26-March 2)

Hello! This is the final week of praying for the Tanzania Haven Retreat! Thank you for praying with us; your prayers and the time you spend praying are significant. Please pray as the Lord leads, and as you do so may you be encouraged as you listen to His voice and spend time in His presence.

Monday, February 26

The Tanzania Haven Retreat ends today! Pray for the women as they gather one last time to worship, pray, and learn together, that this time would be holy and infused with the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. Ask for joy and abundant life and laughter to cover this group of women one last time, for the things shared and received to be protected in each heart and mind.

Pray for the Connection Crew as they spend one last morning serving, listening, and praying for the women attending, that they would be energized, focused, and rested. Pray for a continued sensitivity and obedience to the voice of the Holy Spirit, that there would be love and compassion as words of truth are shared in boldness and love. Ask for a sense of peace over this group of women as they spend time debriefing and processing the things that have happened the past few days.

Pray for Y as she works to balance the busyness of ministry with her personal life and walk with God. Pray that she would feel confident in putting herself first in making time to connect with the Lord on an intimate level, and for time to care for herself and her needs. Ask that her team and the community around her would support and encourage her as she creates new boundaries to have a healthy balance between work and life.

Tuesday, February 27

Pray for L as she desires to grow in deeper intimacy and faith with God, to know Him deeper and in ways she has not yet experienced. Pray that as she seeks His face, she will know His presence and see Him answer her prayers, as He draws her closer to Himself and reveals new aspects of who He is to her. Ask for a greater love, patience, and Jesus-perspective for those around her.

Pray for J as she asks for healing and intimacy in her marriage. Pray she would be bold and compassionate with her words and her actions, that she would see new areas where God is with her and where He is working, in both her and husband’s hearts and minds; pray protection over them as they seek to reconcile and heal individually and as a couple. Ask for grace for their son as they long for him to thrive in Africa, for friends and community to come his way, for him to be comfortable to be himself and know a peer group that is authentic and welcoming.

Pray for S as she grieves the loss of her baby that she waited so long for, that she would know God with her in the darkest and deepest places of her heart and mind. Ask for her to trust Him as He reveals Himself to her, and offers her comfort and peace in ways she doesn’t know she needs, that she would walk towards Him with courage and faith, and that she would know He is safe. Pray for healing over her body, and for her to have a support system that will sit in silence and faith with her.

Pray for P as she looks to God for direction and guidance in what the next steps should be after her contract with her church ends in June. Ask for wisdom and discernment and open eyes and ears as she listens as God speaks, that she would know His voice and would be confident in His leading. Pray for a soft heart as she trusts in Him and begins to see where He is leading her and how He is providing for everything she needs as this season ends and a new one begins.


Wednesday, February 28

Pray for the Connection Crew as they begin their trip back home, for protection over each one in travels, rest, and preparing for family, jobs, and responsibilities that are waiting for them. Ask for there to be kindness and compassion with one another and with themselves as they deal with traveling and being tired from the things they gave of themselves during this retreat. Pray for each one to hold close to her heart the things she experienced and saw God do, and the encounters each one had with God in personal ways outside of ministry.

Pray for S and her family/team as they ask for and trust God with partners for their ministry, both those who can contribute financially and those who will come to work alongside them. Ask that they would be bold in their asking and would see God move mountains for them as they wait in faith and hope. Pray for an increase in wisdom, knowledge, and understanding, for confidence and trust in making decisions and leading their team.

Pray for H as she helps with the process of transitioning the hospital to the local church, with the challenges and conversations that need to take place so that things are done in a healthy and good way. Pray for her as she navigates her role, makes decisions, and trusts those around her with the new responsibilities and tasks at hand. Ask that she would know the presence of God with her in a very unique and significant way through this transition period.

Pray for E and her family as they continue to readjust to life back in Africa after time spent in the US the past few months. Pray for protection and peace over her and her family, for a continued healthy pregnancy and baby, and for hope as they look ahead to what the coming months will bring. Ask that the time they spent with family, friends, and supporters in the US will continue to encourage them and remind them of the things God has set before them.


Thursday, February 29

Pray for D and her husband as they navigate leading their team well, saying “yes” to the needs that arise around them, and for wisdom and discernment as they begin discussing relocating and retiring. Pray that she would be bold in accepting the invitations to rest and refresh herself, that she would feel peace in saying “no” as she trusts those things into God’s hands and not her own. Ask for her to see how God is creating space for her to stop and be still with Him, to refocus her heart and mind on who she is and what God has for her right now.

Pray for S as she balances ministry with being a wife and mother first, for courage and boldness in putting her family first, and knowing that God will honor her as she does so. Ask for protection, healing, and wholeness over her son and his health and well-being, that they would have wisdom and discernment in what steps they are taking on his behalf. Pray for them to see tangible fruit from the work of their hands in the ministries they’re involved in, that there would be fullness of health and life in the groups they lead.

Pray for A and the transitions she is in the midst of with moving and returning to life and ministry in Africa. Pray there would be peace in her heart and over her mind as she readjusts, that there would be a calm and stillness spoken over her and any struggles she has with moving and being away from family and what is familiar and comfortable. Ask for a soft and open heart, for her to see not only what God is doing around her, but what He is inviting her into; pray for a release and courage in her heart and mind as she trusts God in new ways and in deeper levels.

Pray for Z as she continues to set in place plans for this year, that she would trust God with the big picture and with the small details of every day. Ask for unity among the churches, the leaders, and community in her area, that she would be an instrument of peace and kindness among them. Pray for God’s protection and presence over her and the ministries she’s involved in, that she would walk in boldness and confidence wherever she goes.


Friday, March 1

Pray for A as she works in the business sector, that she would know her presence is a reflection of Jesus, that wherever she goes He is with her, and those around her encounter Him through her. Pray for her to be filled with a new anointing of grace and hope as she continues to serve both God and those around her. Ask for an outpouring of joy and abundant life as she keeps her eyes trained on the Lord.

Pray for K as she uses her love of baking to teach women to make cakes and build relationships with them, for her to know that she shares Christ with those around her through her actions and words of knowledge in baking. Ask that she would see how God is blessing the words of her mouth and the work of her hands, that she would continue to walk in faith and trust in her ministry and friendships. Pray for peace over her heart and mind for her son in CA; for her to trust God with the work He is doing in her son’s life, to know that God’s grace is great and His love for her son is greater.

Pray for S to know how much God delights in her and loves her, that she would walk in the fullness of knowing she is loved with an everlasting love. Pray for protection over her as she walks in confidence of being beloved, that she as she moves and speaks with boldness and confidence, nothing would be allowed to come against her. Ask that she would be filled with a new sense of the power of the Holy Spirit through her, and would see the mountains move as she walks in a new pathway of faith.

Pray for A to trust that God is who He says He is, and that He will do for her what He has said He will do. Ask that as she waits on Him He will give her a new strength and perspective to the work He is doing, that she will be able to see tangible expressions of His word being fulfilled around her. Pray that she would allow Him to refresh and revive her spirit and heart.


Saturday, March 2

Pray for Christina and the Board of Directors as they continue to lead Azmera and the direction of this organization, that there would be a constant spirit of unity, trust, and surrender as God leads. Pray for wisdom and discernment in who Azmera partners within finances, ministry and for those invited to volunteer on Connection Crews for Haven Retreats. Pray for humility and faith as God asks things of this organization and the women that lead it that may stretch and challenge their understanding of who He is and how He works.

Pray for the Haven Retreats that are planned for the rest of this year, for God to provide abundantly in finances to host the retreats, as well as for the finances of those attending and volunteering. Pray for God to bring into alignment all the pieces that need to work together for the retreats and service of those looking ahead at what is yet to come.

Finally, Thank You Friends! We say it after every retreat, but the ministry, service, and “things” that happen during these times of retreat would not happen the way they do without your partnership with us through your faithful prayers, and we are so grateful. We truly hope the time you spent with the Lord praying for these retreats was sanctified and personal to you, that you were able to connect with Him and hear His voice as He led you in prayer. 

Now for you! May you, beloved, blessed, and called by name, be reminded of how great the Father’s love is for you alone. May you trust Him in deeper ways as He calls you out, and may you take shaky steps of faith as you keep your eyes on His face. May you know that God is for you, that He is on your side, that He will always fight for you, provide for you, and be with you. May you see Him work in miraculous ways, and may you never cease to be amazed at what He does. May your heart be filled to the fullness of the goodness of God, and may it change the way you live. 

- suzanna

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Suzanna Perdue Suzanna Perdue

Azmera TANZANIA Haven Retreat 2024 | Prayer Calendar (February 20-25)

Thank you for continuing to pray with us! Our Namibia Connection Crew heads home and our Tanzania Haven Retreat begins this week! May you know God in a spectacular and beautiful way this week as you spend time in His presence in silence, prayer, and praise.


Tuesday, February 20

Pray for S to have wisdom and discernment, as she deals with challenging people within the local administration of their business and ministry. Pray that God would open her eyes to see their need of kindness, compassion, and love, even when those things are the most difficult to give. Ask that God would soften her heart and give her sensitivity and a heart of tenderness towards those that cause trouble for her; pray she would see His hand moving in power and would know His glory and presence with her.

Pray for F and her family as they look forward to and deeply need a time of rest and reconnection with family and friends in Brazil. Ask that God would be abundant in His provision of finances and timing for this family to know a time of rest and peace. Pray for protection over them as they allow themselves to breathe deeply of rest, renewal, and encouragement.

Pray for D as she recognizes the weariness and exhaustion she has been living with the past few years. Pray that she would have courage and boldness in seeking rest and respite from the responsibilities she has been carrying, that God would beautifully bring people into her life and ministry to take the responsibilities from her and give her space to breathe. Ask that she would reconnect with herself and with the Lord and would have a renewed sense of direction, energy, and hope.

Pray for V in the moments she feels emotionally unstable and overwhelmed, that God will use knowledgeable and wise people in her life to speak encouragement and truth to her and to give her practical tools to ground herself and refocus her heart and mind on the Lord. Ask that she would find herself rooted in Jesus, and would know Him to what grounds her and keeps her steady. Pray she would grow in faith as she sees God’s provision for the ministries she is involved in.


Wednesday, February 21

Pray for the Namibia Connection Crew as they begin their trip home. Pray for safety, ease of travel, rest and no missed flights or luggage. Ask that they would be able to continue processing their time in Namibia with one another, and pray for protection over their hearts and minds as they begin shifting their mindsets from ministry and service back to home life and all the work and responsibilities that await them.

Pray for the hotel, rooms, and spaces that will be used during the Tanzania Haven Retreat; pray for protection of the Holy Spirit over these spaces, for anything evil or negative, and not of the Lord to be blocked from these rooms in the name of Jesus. Pray for the hotel staff and any service workers that will encounter the women during this retreat, for their hearts to be soft and open to experience the Lord and see His hand at work.

Pray for the Tanzania Connection Crew as they spend time preparing for the Haven Retreat, connecting with one another, and praying over the days to come. Ask that this team would be uniquely united and connected in heart and spirit, for there to be a consistent spirit of grace, kindness, and joy among this group of women. Pray for clear, honest communication among one another, and for suggestions and feedback to be received with open hearts and minds. Ask for God’s glory to hover over this group of women over the coming days.

Pray for Z as she learns the new language of Kimasai, to be able to connect and communicate with the people around her. Ask that God would open her ears and tongue to this new language, that she would grasp it quickly and know God’s blessing over the words of her mouth. Pray that she would be able to use this to form friendships and relationships with the people she interacts with.


Thursday, February 22

Pray for Christina as she prepares to lead this Haven Retreat, for a clear mind and heart as she focuses on the women - both from the Connection Crew and those coming to attend - in Tanzania. Ask that God would give her solid rest and refreshment at the end of each day, and energy and direction for what He specifically has in store for her each day. Pray for Judy as she coordinates this retreat with all of the details and things to put in place for things to run well. Ask that she would ground herself in the Lord’s presence each morning and would trust Him to guide her and provide for each need every day. Pray that she would encounter Jesus in a new and specific way during her time in Tanzania, for her heart and walk with Him to deepen.

Pray for L as she asks and waits for direction and leading for the future of the Boarding House she works at, as well as what that future will mean for her personal future. Ask that God would give clear guidance and that as He leads she would follow with peace and confidence. Pray that she would know joy and hope as she waits in anticipation for how God is going to provide and where He will lead.

Pray for D as she waits to see where and how God will provide for her, that His provision will be abundant and His timing perfect. Ask that as she waits she will be reminded of how faithfully God has provided in the past, and will be filled with hope for what He will yet do. Pray that her testimony and of waiting and trusting will encourage, inspire and draw those around her closer to the Lord.

Pray for D to have wisdom and discernment in moving forward with ministry this year, for guidance and peace in what direction, if any, to take. Pray for loneliness they feel as they continue to lose team members, for them to get a glimpse of what God is doing and why, and to trust Him with the losses. Ask for their faith and trust in Him to increase, as the control and knowledge they have known in the past decreases with the changes they continue to experience. Pray for grace, joy, and confidence in God.


Friday, February 23

The Tanzania Haven Retreat Begins today! Pray for the women as they arrive, that as they step over the threshold into the presence of the Connection Crew, they would feel the atmosphere shift as they are welcomed with hugs and love. Ask that they would feel safe and connected from the very beginning, that they would know the presence of Jesus and their spirits would respond to Him as He makes a way for hard and holy work to commence. 

Pray for the Connection Crew as they welcome the women and begin making connections, for each one to be sensitive and open to the leading and voice of the Holy Spirit. Pray for boldness and trust in moving and speaking and staying silent as the Spirit leads, for hope and anticipation for what God is going to do and how they will come alongside His work and movement. Ask for energy and focus as they facilitate conversations and for kindness and compassion to be poured out in and through them in greater measure.

Pray for Grace as she teaches and shares from Scripture and from her own experiences and walk with the Lord, for the words of her mouth to be sanctified by the Lord and to be heard by ears that will be open and waiting. Pray she would be centered around the Lord, and would trust Him as He leads her, for changes and shifts He may ask of her to be done obediently and with excitement to see what He is going to do. Ask for energy and rest and a deep love to fill her each day.

Pray for Mailee as she leads worship over the next four days, for her heart and mind to be focused on Jesus and who He is. Pray that her love for God and worship of Him will color every conversation she has and every song and moment she leads, that her love and knowing of God will inspire and welcome others into worshiping Him in new and holy ways. Ask that she would be protected during her time in Tanzania, specifically physically and emotionally, for God to surround her with His presence and block out anything that is not of Him.


Saturday, February 24

Pray for the first full day of the Haven Retreat, as the women continue to get to know one another and share hardships and victories, there would be a sense of community and unity of spirit. Ask for understanding and compassion to fill every table and conversation, for the times of teaching and worship to be filled with an overwhelming sense of the presence of the Holy Spirit in their midst. Pray for laughter and joy to surround them during times of relaxation and casual interactions.

Pray for Shonna as she meets with women one-on-one for counseling, for God to fill her with wisdom and discernment as she listens and shares with the women she meets with. Ask that she would be sensitive to the voice of the Holy Spirit and to the needs spoken and unspoken by each woman she talks with. Pray for her words to be spoken in boldness, truth, and love. Pray that she would get good sleep every night and that each morning she would reconnect with Jesus and allow Him to set the pace and path for her day.

Pray for Sandi as she will spend time meeting with women to offer Spiritual Direction. Pray that she would know God’s voice and presence in each conversation, and would walk in obedience as He leads. Ask for health and safety over Sandi as she gives of herself during this retreat, that she would know God in deeper and new ways even when her expectation may be only on what she is giving to others.

Pray for Leslie Martin as she spends time giving haircuts and styling women’s hair. Ask that the space she uses will be protected and made holy, for the conversations and prayer that happen in this space to be anointed and filled with life and encouragement. Pray that she would be sensitive to the Holy Spirit and would know His blessing over the work of her hands.


Sunday, February 25

Pray for the Haven Retreat today - for the conversations and interactions that will take place to be filled with goodness and light, for truth to be spoken and received, for the times of worship and teaching to have a holy air to them. Ask for the encounters with Jesus through all the various settings to be recognized and held close to the hearts of those meeting Him.

Pray for Sonya and Sylvia as they minister through massage, creating a place of rest and relaxation for women to feel cared for and loved. Pray God would bless the work of their hands and would give them strength and energy for each women the minister to. Ask for a blessing and covering over the rooms they use, for protection over the words share with the women, and for each woman to know how loved and precious she is as she leaves her time of massage.

Pray for Vicki, Rille, Elise, MaryJane, Christy, Tiffany, Tasha, Caitlyn, and Christine as they work together to facilitate the Create Station and as they serve through giving pedicures. Pray for a spirit of unity, selflessness, and compassion as they step into new areas of serving and learning. Ask for grace over the rooms they use, for the atmospheres to be light and welcoming, for the prayers and conversations to be life-giving and holy. Pray that these women will be able to rest well and face the day with renewed energy and focus. Ask that they would see God’s power and holiness again and again in unexpected ways, that they would encounter Him and know Him in new and intimate ways.


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Suzanna Perdue Suzanna Perdue

Azmera NAMIBIA Haven Retreat 2024 | Prayer Calendar (February 12-18)

Greetings! Our Namibia Haven Retreat is this week, and we are so excited to pray for every woman attending and volunteering! Thank you for taking the time to read through these requests and to pray for them; please feel free to ask the Lord which women to pray for, and follow as He leads. May you be encouraged and blessed in your time of prayer this week.


Monday, February 12

Pray for V and her family as they adjust to a new living situation, different and away from the normal busyness and bustle they were used to. Pray they would meet people and make friends quickly in the area they are living, and would feel at home sooner than later. Ask for protection and peace over their family as they adjust to a new normal and the ups and downs that come with that.

Pray for G and her family as they wait on God’s provision and timing, from being able to attend the Haven Retreat, to travels in the area to finances for their daughter’s college education. Ask that as they trust God to be their provision, they would remember all the ways He has been faithful to them over the years. Pray for her as she attends the retreat, that she would find rest for her heart and mind and would be filled with peace and hope as she reconnects with the Lord.

Pray for M as she asks the Lord for a renewed focus, and for wisdom and discernment on what comes next; pray she would be still and attentive and lean in towards His voice as He speaks leading and truth to her. Ask that she would know a new level of trust and faith as she waits on God to be abundant in financial provision for her kids’ schooling and for finances overall.

Pray for S and her family as they resettle into life after a short-term assignment in the States. Pray that they would be returning with full hearts and focus, that the time they spent with friends and family will continue to be an encouragement and source of life. Pray for them as they hope to adopt this year, while they are back in their country of service, for God to open doors and make a way for them to add to their family; ask for God to provide for them each step of the way, that they would be able to see what He is doing as it is being done, and would know that He alone is good.


Tuesday, February 13

Pray for L to have an increase in wisdom, understanding, and compassion as she leads a women’s ministry, that her focus would be on how to come alongside the women and love them as Jesus does. Pray for relationships to be built, for her to learn how to create safe spaces of welcome and life. Ask for God’s protection over her and her words and actions as she walks with these women in the various stages and challenges of life.

Pray for D as she ministers specifically to the Southeast Asian community in her city. Pray for doors to be opened, for trust in relationships to be built, and for a depth of understanding and connection as she meets people and exemplifies the love of Jesus to those she encounters. Ask for God to continue to give her focus and leading in this community.

Pray for J and her husband as they make decisions about their future while wanting to remain in their current ministry and yet support their children and parents (who all live in the States) at the same time. Ask for wisdom and guidance as they trust the Lord to lead them, that they will listen attentively to His voice and be united in thought and spirit. Pray for peace and hope as they follow God, even when it may not look like they want or expect it to, they would follow with joy and trust.

Pray for J and her husband as they are in a very difficult time in their marriage, as they seek God and desire reconciliation. Pray for protection over each one as they walk through this valley, as they learn and grow individually, as they trust God with the hurts, the unknowns, and the hopes of what yet could be. Ask for compassion, honesty, and kindness to be present in their relationship and conversations; pray for good friendships and support for them from the community around them.


Wednesday, February 14

Pray for M and her family as they are in the middle of a very challenging year of ministry. Ask for a season of rest, refueling, and hope for their family and ministry team, that as they wait on the Lord they would each know a depth of peace, understanding, and provision from God. Pray for unity, compassion, and tenderness with one another.

Pray for K as she leaves her family to be able to attend the retreat, specifically her two-year-old and husband, as they both are accustomed to her being present and the source of family life within their home. Pray for her to have peace of mind and heart in leaving her kids and husband for a few days, that she would be able to refocus her heart and mind on her walk with Jesus, and not be distracted or worried by what she has left behind. Ask that her family would have a grand ole time together while she is away, that their relationships with one another would strengthen during this time.

Pray for S as she desires to speak with her neighbors about the Lord. Pray for wisdom as she builds relationships, that she would be given a new depth of understanding in how people around her are able to encounter Jesus through her love and practical actions. Pray for a spirit of sensitivity and knowledge as she interacts with those in her neighborhood, that she will know when to speak and when to stay silent, and will know the voice of the Holy Spirit through every conversation and situation.

Pray for Christina as she leads this retreat, that she would allow the Holy Spirit to focus her heart and mind on what He has in store, to not be distracted or pulled in different directions as situations arise and things change. Ask that she would encounter God in a unique way during this retreat, that she will be humbled and awed in God’s presence in a way she has never experienced before. Pray for Elise as she is responsible for coordinating this Retreat and all the details and responsibilities that come with this role. Pray she would be patient, humble, and willing to ask questions and ask for help as needed. Ask that she would be kind and gentle with her words and actions, and would be able to step back and see what God has for her and for this retreat without being too tied to the schedule or expectation of how things should go. Pray she will know joy and peace.


Thursday, February 15 

The Namibia Haven Retreat begins today! Pray for each woman as she arrives on site, that she will feel welcomed and loved from the first words spoken to her. Ask that connections will be made easily and for each woman to feel safe and protected to lay burdens, worries, and expectations down. Pray for the Connection Crew to be present and available, to be filled with sensitivity to the Holy Spirit’s voice and moving, and to be sensitive to each woman interacted with. 

Pray for protection and peace over the first gathering and the evening of worship and prayer that will follow. Ask for grace and compassion, and for fear and anxiety to melt away in the presence of the Lord and the sisters gathered together in His name. Pray for boldness and truth to be spoken in love and covered in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Pray for Carey as she teaches and shares the story and words given to her by the Lord. Pray that she would be attentive to God’s voice and leading and will be humble to speak and follow as He leads. Ask for a supernatural covering and power of the Holy Spirit in and through her during the days of this retreat.

Pray for Joy as she leads the women in worship over the next four days. Pray she will stand before the Lord with open hands and heart and will wait for His leading before every gathering, that her trust and faith in God and in the gifts He has given her will deepen during her time in Namibia. Pray for her relationship with God to grow during this time, as she sees Him work in new ways and as she learns to step to the side so that His glory will be greater.


Friday, February 16

Pray over the first full day of the Haven Retreat, that the time the women spend listening, learning, worshipping, and sharing with one another will be sanctified and made holy by the power of the Holy Spirit in their midst. Ask that each woman encounter Jesus in ways specific and tender only to her, that she will be reminded again of how loved and beautiful she is to God.

Pray for Annette and Shonna and the time they will spend in one-on-one counseling. Pray for protection over the rooms they use, for the space to be filled with the power and presence of God. Ask for both of these women to be filled with a holy boldness and compassion for those they meet with, for their words to be spoken in love and to be filled with truth and healing; ask that anything they say that is not from the Lord for this time to be held back from hearts and minds, and for every good thing Jesus speaks to take root and to grow to fruition.

Pray for the times of Connection Crew as they give of themselves to be united in focus and mindset, to be gentle and compassionate with one another, and to be bold in asking for help or for a moment to step back and reconnect with God. Pray for good sleep and rest for each of these women as they give abundantly of their energy and time, that they will know God’s restoration and rest.


Saturday, February 17

Pray for the women and the time spent connecting and sharing with one another, for there to be a light and lightness to fill each heart as life and stories are shared, as encouragement and love are given. Pray that each woman would know the presence of the Lord with them in each moment, activity, and conversation, for there to be an awareness of the covering of the Lord over them.

Pray for Crystal and Erin as they serve through create stations, pedicures, Pilates, and Spiritual Direction. Ask that both of these women will be energized and focused throughout each day, as they give of their time and hearts to the women around them. Pray for the spaces they use to be filled with a sense of rest and safety, and for the conversations that take place to amplify the presence, power, and holiness of God.

Pray for the Tanzania Connection Crew as they begin the trip to Tanzania. Pray for safety, rest, and good travels on all parts of the journey. Ask that as they connect with one another there would be a spirit of humility, gentleness, and generosity among this group of women. Pray they would trust God with the things they are leaving behind and would be looking forward to their own encounters and connection with God as they prepare to see Him work in new ways.


Sunday, February 18 

The Namibia Haven Retreat ends today! Pray for the women as they spend one last morning together in teaching, worship, and connection. Ask for each heart to be filled to overflowing with the goodness of God, with the reminders of who He is and how much He loves to be the life and rest each woman was needing. Ask for there to be joy and hope as the women prepare to return home to families, jobs, ministries, and responsibilities. Pray for peace and protection over each woman.

Pray for the Connection Crew as they facilitate final connection table conversations, for them to allow the Holy Spirit to lead and give the words needed. Pray for a continued spirit of boldness and truth in each woman as final things are shared. Ask that this group of women will take the time to rest and refresh their own hearts, minds, and bodies after the intense past few days, for them to give one another grace to process and debrief as needed.

Pray for the Tanzania Connection Crew as they arrive get settled in and rest before preparing for their own Haven Retreat. Ask that there would be a sense of unity and light among this team. Pray for good sleep and energy for the days to come.

Pray for A as she has questions of “what’s next?” on her heart and mind, even as she seeks rest and recovery from trauma experienced. Ask that she would know the Lord’s voice as He invites her into places of solitude and peace, that she would not be afraid to step into these spaces and allow God to speak healing and life over her. Pray for confidence in knowing God’s voice, and for a deep sense of trust as she follows His leading.


Monday, February 19

Pray for A as she desires to simply love the people in her village. Ask that she would know that God sees her and honors her love for those around her. Pray she would know Jesus with every step she takes, literally and figuratively, as she seeks to come alongside those around her and be Jesus to them in practical ways. Ask that she would see the glory of the Lord revealed to and through her again and again; pray for strength, courage, and boldness.

Pray for H as she and her team seek to continue improved communication and cooperation within the leadership team at the orphanage. Pray for understanding and kindness from everyone involved, that there would be a sense of unity and desire for the same outcomes from all sides. Ask for favor and grace over this ministry and each person involved in it.

Pray for J and her leadership team, as their ministry is growing and they are adding new volunteers and team members. Ask for unity and like-heartedness among the team and volunteers, that there would be kindness and grace as training and teaching take place, and for genuine fun and enjoyment to be with one another while working or relaxing. Pray for her to have wisdom and discernment as she balances the needs and responsibilities of family with ministry and her own places of rest and renewal.

Pray for T as she is experiencing weariness and burnout, but desires a new passion for her work and ministry. Pray that she would be gracious with herself and make time to rest and heal from the past seasons of life and ministry, that in her times of rest, she will encounter Jesus again and again and in those moments will receive the love and grace He is waiting to give her. Ask for protection from witchcraft and any evil that would come against her, that she will trust in the Name of Jesus and know the power of His presence with her.

Pray for V as she interacts with people from different cultures and statuses within the community, that she will have a spirit of sensitivity and compassion and will allow the Lord to lead her in her encounters and relationships with those around her. Pray that as she pursues a deeper, more intimate relationship with God she will see how He meets her where she is each day, that she will know how loved she is by Him, and that the knowledge of that love will continue to transform her even more into His likeness. Ask for protection over her as she seeks a more disciplined time of prayer and connection with God, that the time will be holy and full, and not just a discipline to practice.

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Suzanna Perdue Suzanna Perdue

Azmera NAMIBIA Haven Retreat 2024 | Prayer Calendar (February 5-11)


We are going to be in Namibia and Tanzania this month, and are so excited to come alongside the women who will be attending and volunteering. It is our privilege to invite you to pray with us; as always, we encourage you to pray as the Lord leads, to not feel as though you must pray over everything offered here, but to trust that Jesus knows who needs your prayers. My prayer for you is that you will encounter God in a very specific and holy way this week as you enter His presence on behalf of the women named.


Monday, February 5

Pray for SA and her desire to be in a place of her own, for her to trust God’s timing and provision, and to know that what He has for her will be good. Ask that as she waits her walk with the Lord will grow in depth of trust and intimacy. Pray she would see His goodness and glory all around her.

Pray for T as she prays for emotional strength; ask that she would be given the support and encouragement she needs, for people to come around her and help carry the burdens she has. Pray for grace and peace over her heart and mind. Pray she would find places of rest and solitude to be still before the Lord and allow Him to minister to her in holy and significant ways.

Pray for M as she pursues healing and wholeness from trauma and conflicts she has experienced within her marriage and her church. Ask that she would have a good support system to walk with her through this season and that she would be vulnerable and honest with herself and with Jesus as she trusts Him to be with her. Pray she would have a soft heart and open ears to hear and receive the words of life, truth, and healing the Holy Spirit has for her.


Tuesday, February 6

Pray for V and her desire to reflect Jesus in all aspects of her life. Pray that she would grow in confidence in faith as she asks the Lord to provide for her, that she would trust His timing and would see the many ways He provides for her. Ask that she would know a greater peace in situations and relationships she’s involved in; pray her heart and mind would be open to learning and growing from difficult conversations and that she would be able to see the heart of Jesus for her.

Pray for M as she looks to support and encourage her husband as they look to the Lord to guide and lead them in shifting roles and positions in her husband’s job. Ask that she would be bold and humble in her words and actions at home with her husband, and that she would continue to create a space of safety and life for them as she finds her own way within their marriage and ministry. Pray for her as she misses her family and community back in the States, that in the missing she would make space for new friendships and community where she is.

Pray for G as she seeks to find a healthy balance between family and ministry. Pray for wisdom and discernment in what she says “yes” and “no” to, that she would know what to step back from to make room for new things and for home life. Ask for others to come alongside her in ministry to take some of the responsibilities and weight she has been carrying; pray she would know freedom and release and that her family would walk into a new season of light and fun and hope.


Wednesday, February 7

Pray for SE to be bold in asking for help in her ministry and life; for God to provide abundantly in people to help where help is needed and for financial provision to be perfect in timing and amounts. Ask for wisdom and understanding among the leadership team she works with, that there would be an abundance of grace, kindness, and compassion for one another and for those they work with.

Pray for R and her husband as they are in a place of transition and change. Pray for grace over them as a couple as they seek to finish things well, and as they look ahead towards what comes next, for them to support and encourage one another with humility and kindness as things change. Ask that God would open her ears to hear His voice more clearly, that she would know His voice and would walk in confidence and faith as He speaks to her and leads her.

Pray for B as she continues to make plans and set things in place for her ministry for this year. Pray for wisdom and discernment as things unfold and changes happen, that she would move in grace and trust that God is with and for her. Ask for confidence and humility for new responsibilities and tasks she will take on this year, that she would be filled with excitement and anticipation for new things at hand.


Thursday, February 8

Pray for J as she continues to seek clarity and guidance for this year, that she would make time to be still with the Lord and allow Him to speak leading and truth to her. Ask that she would be bold in laying down her expectations and plans and would be filled with anticipation and hope for what God has in store for her. Pray for protection and peace over her.

Pray for A to find a new rhythm of peace, focus, hope, and joy. Ask that God will provide rest and renewal for her, not only through her time at the Haven Retreat, but on a regular basis at home as she balances ministry, marriage, and homeschooling her children. Pray that she will create time for herself to do the things that bring her life and that she will see the fruit of caring for herself first.

Pray for C and her family for protection and safety in their home and community, as they face challenges due to the area they live in. Pray they would see God with them and at work around them as they come alongside those in their lives to love and minister to in practical ways. Ask for grace, growth, and life in their marriage and family.


Friday, February 9

Pray for the Namibia Connection Crew as they travel to Namibia, for safety and protection over each one on each step of the journey. Pray for rest and comfort over the long hours of travel, and for friendships and relationships to begin as they get to know one another in airports and all the different modes of transportation. Ask for smooth flights and connections, and for everyone to arrive safely and on time. Pray a special covering over this team of women, to be united in heart and mind as they come together to serve.

Pray for M and her husband as they make decisions about caring for their aging parents and relatives, and how those decisions will impact their time on their mission field. Ask for wisdom and discernment as they ask for the Lord’s timing and provision. Pray for peace, hope, and guidance as they trust God to lead them.

Pray for F as she looks forward to this Haven Retreat and the time she will spend meeting others and being refreshed in heart, mind, spirit, and body. Pray that she will continue to trust God to provide the resources and time off needed to be able to attend, for a heart of gratitude and awe as she witnesses God’s provision for her. Ask that the time she spends away will be full of life and direction, for times of quiet where she can stop and listen to the Lord speak words of love and truth over her.


Saturday, February 10

Pray for D as she works through the loss of a relationship that has been really hard, where the space left by the relationship feels empty and huge. Pray she will know the presence of Jesus with her in deep and new ways, that she would be able to see Him with her and know that He is willing to sit with her in the grief and pain and allow her to just be. Ask for grace and compassion given in abundance by those around her, that she would know she is loved; pray she would be gracious with herself and give herself time and space to grieve even as she looks forward to what is yet to come.

Pray for A to grasp at a new level how deeply she is loved and cherished, by those around her but even more so by her Father in heaven. Pray she would begin to see herself through His eyes and know she is beautiful and that she reflects a very unique aspect of who Jesus is. Ask that she would begin to walk with new confidence of her belovedness and likeness of Jesus.

Pray for CA as she walks through the valley of the shadow of death, that she would know God’s light and leading before her, behind her, all around her. Pray for courage and hope to see the path in front of her, and for faith to keep taking the next step, though the way may not be clear her trust in God would deepen and bring light. Ask that she would see the Light in the darkness and would be overwhelmed with love and hope.


Sunday, February 11

Pray for C to know that she is not alone in this season, though she may feel lonely. Ask that God would open her eyes and heart to those around her who are wanting to walk alongside her and help carry the weight of the burdens she has been carrying, for her to allow God to reveal Himself to her through the people and relationships in her life. Pray for hope as the weights are lifted, that she would be able to breathe deeply and see clearly what is around her and before her.

Pray for L to know the goodness of God, and to be reminded of His love for her again and again, in this season of challenge and growth. Pray she would see new life around her, as the old things pass away so that what is new and fresh has room to begin. Ask for a new perception and vision, to see things in vibrant color and depth.

Pray for N and her daughter as her daughter finishes High School and prepares for the move and transition back to the US next year. Ask that this final year together will be filled with much goodness, growth, and a deepening of their relationship, even as they look ahead to a shift in their relationship, routines, and familiarity of life. Pray for wisdom, understanding, and kindness as they walk through this season together.


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Suzanna Perdue Suzanna Perdue

Azmera EGYPT Haven Retreat 2023 | Prayer Calendar (November 8-14)

Greetings, again!

We are in our last week of praying for our Colombia Haven Retreat. We hope you have some sweet time with the Lord as you sit with Him and allow Him to lead your prayers this week, for you would know His voice and trust the things He gives to you as you pray. Thank you for being here.

Hi! One more week of praying has just landed in your inbox! Thank you for taking the time to read this and to continue praying. Please pray as the Lord leads, and know that we are equally grateful for the time you will spend praying as we are excited for how you are going to connect with and experience Jesus as you do so. We are grateful for you.

Wednesday, November 8

Pray for C and her family as they wrap up their time serving in Ethiopia, and look ahead to moving to North Carolina, with all the transitions and adjustments that will come for both of their kids, as well as themselves and job/ministry. Pray that they would allow themselves to be present in each moment, to feel all the feelings that come, and to be gracious, compassionate, and kind with one another. Ask that they would trust God with both the ministry they are handing over to others as well as the things yet to come, that they would move with peace and confidence in who God is.

Pray for K as she struggles with the stresses and frustrations of living in a different culture, especially after having been home for three months recently. Ask that she would put in place healthy self-care routines and boundaries, that she would know what is life-giving and encouraging for her and would embrace those things without guilt or fear of letting something else go. Pray that God would open her eyes to see the beauty around her and she would be able to step fully into the places around her with peace and hope.

Pray for L and her husband as they ask God to provide the resources and finances needed for her husband’s job. Pray that God would open doors, soften hearts, and draw specific people in her life to Himself, that she would be able to see where and how God is at work and would trust Him to continue to do good. Ask for peace and confidence as they wait on God’s good timing.

Pray for B and her desire to be refreshed and renewed in her walk with God. Ask that she would know Him deeply and intimately through the time she spends in Scripture and in prayer and communication with Jesus, for her to recognize and His voice and know His presence with her as she sits with Him and waits expectantly for Him to speak and lead. Pray that she would know God’s presence with her closely, for distance to fade, that she would know Him to be Emmanuel. 

Pray for S as she continues to deal with long Covid symptoms that have made it challenging for her through this season. Ask for healing and wholeness over her, for God’s presence with her to be tangible and good. Pray for her mother who has been in and out of the hospital recently, for healing over her body as well; pray that they would have wisdom and discernment in how best to be with her mom through the distance and time that comes with living overseas.

Thursday, November 9

Pray for R to know the fullness of the joy of the Lord is hers, to be reminded that God desires good things for her and delights in her always. Pray she would make time to stop and sit with God and feel her heart and spirit refreshed and renewed by her intentional time with Him. Ask that she would lean in and listen intently as He speaks words of truth and life to her.

Pray for B and her desire to know and see God even more clearly in this season, that her heart and eyes would be opened to what God is doing, and for her to be bold in joining the work at hand. Pray that she would see where God is using her and those in her country to bring people to Him, that as she sees the work He is doing she would be encouraged and would take heart. Ask that she would also see how He is blessing the work of her hands and the words of her mouth.

Pray for A as she gets back into the rhythms and routines of life and family and ministry after spending time in Egypt at the retreat. Pray that she would see where and how God was with her family while she was away, and would be encouraged by His goodness and faithfulness. Ask that the things she learned and experienced at the Haven Retreat would be held close to her heart and would continue to speak truth and hope to her.

Pray for L as she gets back into the routine and swing of things as well, that she would be encouraged in listening to how her family took care of one another and made memories of their own while she was away. Ask that she would enter new areas of trust and faith in God where her family is concerned, and would walk with a new boldness in stepping out of her comfort zone to minister and see to her own heart and desires apart from being a wife and mother. Pray for protection and peace over her family.

Pray for D as she settles back into ministry and life after spending time in Egypt, particularly as she was able to attend the Haven Retreat with her daughter. Pray that she would take away so much good and life from the time spent away from home, that she would be encouraged and filled with a new sense of hope and enthusiasm for the jobs, relationships, and ministries set before her. Ask for anticipation to see where God will lead her and a boldness in following him.

Friday, November 10

Pray for D as she trusts God to lead her to the right university for her, and for His provision for her to be abundant. Ask that as she follows His leading she would be filled with peace and confidence and excitement for this next season of life. Pray for protection and a sense of His presence guarding her wherever she goes. 

Pray for J to have courage as she pursues healing and wholeness. Pray she would know that the hard work she is doing is holy and will be sanctified by the Lord. Ask for hope, rest, and the reminders of the beauty of the world around her, and the beauty that she specifically brings to the world and to those she encounters.

Pray for C as she leads Bible studies and meets with women from all walks of life – from trafficking survivors to asylum seekers to women from Brazil living overseas. Ask that she would have wisdom, discernment, and sensitivity in each conversation and interaction she has, that she would listen attentively to the voice of the Holy Spirit and would be filled with boldness to speak the words He gives in truth and love. Pray for her as she helps her daughter finish High School and prepare to go to university, for the transitions that are coming to not overshadow the present time they have together.

Pray for A to trust that God will move mountains for her, for their property in Brazil to be returned to their possession. Pray that they would have faith and would trust God’s timing and provision. Ask that as she waits on the Lord she would come to know Him in new ways and would see where and how He is at work in her life and heart.

Pray for T and her family as they transition the older kids to an International Christian school where she will also be working, as well as transitions for ministry and schooling for her husband. Ask that as they continue to adjust to new rhythms they would be understanding and patient with one another.

Saturday, November 11

Pray for N and her team as they ask the Lord for favor in working with key influencers and people in high positions within the city. Pray for trust and peace as they ask boldly and take action to invest in this part of the population, that they would see God at work and would heed His voice and leading. Ask for sensitivity to the Holy Spirit as they are given guidance and direction in where to go and what relationships to build.

Pray for T as she continues to do the hard work of walking through counseling and moving toward healing and wholeness. Ask for God’s hand of protection and peace to be over her as she moves into spaces of vulnerability and trust, as she allows God to lead her and show her how to unlearn things that no longer serve her. Pray she would be able to begin seeing the fruits of her labor, and would not lose heart or momentum as she bravely walks this path.

Pray for B to be encouraged in the work she is doing, especially when it is hard to see the fruit of her labor and faith. Ask that when she grows weary and frustrated she would have good people around her to remind her to stop and recenter her heart and mind in the Lord. Pray for life-giving community and relationships in her life to support her, point her towards the Lord, and show her how God is answering her prayers.

Pray for K as the school year is well under way, that she will maintain focus and enthusiasm each new day. Ask that she would be wise in making time for quiet and rest, for those to become habits that will be life-giving. Pray for peace and calm over her household, for fun and laughter to be a part of the daily routines.

Pray for D and her family as they ask the Lord to be abundant and timely in His provision for finances for their ministry. Pray that as they trust Him to provide they will be reminded of His faithfulness and goodness to them throughout the years. Ask for His presence and peace as they endure a very personal hardship in their family, that they would see where God is with them and would know comfort, truth, and hope in this season.

Sunday, November 12

Pray for A to be given the energy she needs to give her best to herself, her ministry, and relationships each day. Ask God to restore the parts of her mind, heart, and body that are weary and out of alignment, and that as He does so that she would heed the invitations for rest and renewal. Pray she would trust God with leading her and the ministry she’s involved in, and to know that His timing for others to join her and to answer His call for teaching will always be good.

Pray for M as she asks for inner restoration. Pray that she would find places and make time to sit quietly in the presence of the Lord, and will turn her face, ears, and heart towards Him to listen to the words of life, love, and truth that He is waiting to speak to her. Ask that as she spends time with Jesus, she will recognize His voice and will step fully into the truth of who she is in Him, of who He has created her to believe, and in that stepping will be filled with courage, peace, and hope.

Pray for C as she looks for balance in meeting the needs and requests of all who ask, even as she knows it is more than she is able to give. Ask that she would set good boundaries in place and will trust God to fill in the gaps for her when she says “no” to people. Pray that God would bring others alongside her to help even the load and make space for her to rest.

Pray for E as she looks to the Lord to give her clear direction and leading in ministry, next steps, and relationships. Ask that as she asks, she will make time to be still and listen; pray that she would tune her ears and heart to the voice of the Holy Spirit and would move in boldness and faith when He speaks leading to her. Pray for protection and safety over her as she interacts with people in places that are unfamiliar to her.

Pray for M as she trusts God to provide the finances and resources needed for her life and ministry. Pray that she would ask for help as she reorganizes her time and commitment, in stepping down from areas of leadership and responsibility to letting go of what is not for her in this season. Ask that she would recenter herself in the Lord and allow Him to speak and lead her to the areas that bring her joy and life; pray she would see the fruit of letting go and walking into new places of commitment and life.

Monday, November 13

 Pray for C to walk in courage and boldness as God leads her in new areas of ministry, faith, and relationships. Pray that she would trust Jesus to be with her and in that trust to know she is not alone. Ask that as she explores the new areas she would be filled with hope and anticipation for the things God is holding in store for her.

Pray for S to walk in belief and faith that she is covered continually by God’s protection, presence, and hand of peace. Ask that she would allow His covering to be her freedom, and in that freedom she would know beauty, abundant life, and hope. Pray she would see herself as Jesus sees her.

Pray for D to trust that God will provide for her specific needs in His timing and way and that as she waits on Him she would not grow impatient or disappointed. Pray that she would remember every time He has provided for her in the past, and the remembrance would bring hope and peace. Ask that in this season she would be a testimony to those around her of God’s goodness and faithfulness, and the glory of the Lord would be seen through her.

Pray for M to see where and how God is restoring joy and beauty to her and in her life. Pray she would not be afraid of the good things God has for her, that she would respond with hope and faith as His Spirit calls to her. Pray that she would walk wholeheartedly into the places God is inviting her, and that as she does so she would meet Jesus and know that He is good.

Tuesday, November 14

Pray for Azmera’s leadership and Board of Directors, that as they meet and discuss the highs and lows of the both the Greece and Egypt Haven Retreats they would speak honestly and with wisdom, discernment, and understanding. Pray for a spirit of unity and compassion, and for room for truth to be spoken and heard, covered by the presence and love of Jesus. Ask for wisdom as the future and direction of Azmera is a consistent conversation, for hearts to be humble and wise, for any and all movement and decisions to be lead by the Holy Spirit, and for this group of people to be obedient as the Lord leads.

Pray for the Haven Retreats that are scheduled for next year. Pray that God would be gathering the volunteers He wants in each specific place; to clear schedules, time off, and speak truth and clarity into hesitations or doubts. Ask for an abundance of finances for each volunteer to be able to go, for God to open the storehouses of heaven and rain down in great measure every resource needed, even above and beyond. Pray for the women who will attend these retreats; that God would be preparing the hearts and minds of each woman who desires to attend, to soften hearts and make ways where there seems to be no way. Ask for favor and grace over each person who will be involved in any capacity in these retreats.

Finally – as always! – Thank You, dear prayer partners, for your support, commitment, and consistency in praying with us these past four weeks. We are so grateful for the moments you spent praying and interacting with Jesus on behalf of each of the women who signed up for, attended, or volunteered in Greece and Egypt. These Haven Retreats would not be what they are without your prayers, so thank you.

I’d like to give a little shout-out to Kari for not only managing the Greece Retreat, but also stepping in temporarily for Egypt, and with all of that making sure these prayer calendars landed in your inboxes and on our website. If you think of her, would you say a prayer of thanks for her? And of course whatever else the Lord may lay on your heart on her behalf.

And now, as we head into the Holidays with all the weight and joy they carry, my prayer for you:

May you know the goodness of God over every part of your being this Holiday season, from the top of your head to the soles of your feet, and everything in between. May you know His goodness in spectacular ways and small, and may you know His goodness for you and you alone. May you experience peace and hope as we celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas, and the promise of a King to come. May you know Emmanuel in the dark of night and in the dark places of your heart and mind; and in that knowing may there be the hope of Light and the kingdom come. May you know joy and happiness and laughter when least expected, and may those moments carry you and point you towards Jesus and all things made new. May you know that you are a light and hope to those around you. May you see Jesus and be changed by Him again and again. Amen.

love, suzanna

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Suzanna Perdue Suzanna Perdue

Azmera EGYPT Haven Retreat 2023 | Prayer Calendar (November 1-7)

Greetings, again!

We are in our last week of praying for our Colombia Haven Retreat. We hope you have some sweet time with the Lord as you sit with Him and allow Him to lead your prayers this week, for you would know His voice and trust the things He gives to you as you pray. Thank you for being here.

Once again - Hello!

Things are a bit of a whirlwind with such a short amount of time between the Greece and Egypt Haven Retreats, and we are so thankful for your prayer partnership and support as things march on. Our Egypt Haven Retreat is this week, and we would be so grateful if you would continue to pray with us for each woman attending, as well as for the women who have come to serve; we are excited to see the ways in which God will move and work this week. Again, there are a lot of women we get to pray for! So please feel free to pray for the names that jump out at you, and pray as the Holy Spirit leads. My prayer for you this week is that you will hear the voice of the Lord speaking to you in specific ways as you enter His presence to pray for our sisters in Egypt this week, that as He speaks you will allow yourself the time and space to be still and listen, to know that you are loved and longed for. ~suzanna

Wednesday, November 1

Pray for the Egypt Connection Crew as they continue to get to know one another as they spend time preparing for the Haven Retreat. Pray for a spirit of unity and humility among this group of women that will be unique and holy for this time and place. Ask that they would come together as a team and be of one mind, heart, spirit, and purpose. Pray that they would have fun together and their time would be equal parts deep and holy but also filled with laughter and joy.

Pray for Christina as she transitions from leading the Greece Haven Retreat to leading the Egypt Haven Retreat with not much space for rest in between. Ask that God would refocus her heart, mind, and body on the tasks and ministries at hand and that she would make time for rest and renewal for herself. Pray that she would not be afraid to ask for help, and when help and rest are offered that she will not be afraid to accept it.

Pray for Judy as she coordinates this retreat, much of it on the spur of the moment as some things changed quickly and she graciously stepped in to lead. Ask for focus, clear communication, joy, and a heart that is open to what the Lord has for her during her time away from home. Pray that she would encounter Jesus and be reminded of how beautiful she is and how much He delights in her.  

Pray for J as she is involved with a new English outreach program, that she would be encouraged in unexpected ways and would be given glimpses of where and how God is at work. Pray that she would entrust every work of her hands to the Lord, to know that He is good and that He is delighted with her. Ask for her to see the fruit of this ministry, that it would build her faith and call her into new areas of trust and obedience.

Pray for K as the school year is well underway and the routine of things can get challenging, that she would make time and space to rest on a regular basis so that her focus and energy level can be maintained. Ask for grace and compassion from those around her on the days that are stressful and difficult, that she would have community and support and people who love her will cheer her on. Pray that the Haven Retreat will have been life-giving and refreshing to her soul.

Pray for L as she learns about herself and ministry and people through her internship away from home. Pray that she would not be afraid to ask questions and jump into areas she may not be comfortable with, and in doing so she will learn new strengths and abilities. Ask that she will be given clarity and direction for the future and will be excited to step forward in faith and boldness.

Thursday, November 2

The Egypt Haven Retreat starts today! Pray for each woman as she arrives to know how welcomed and loved she is from every interaction she has with the Azmera team. Pray for safety over each woman as she travels to the Retreat, and for peace of mind over each one as she steps away from family, ministry, job, and responsibilities for a few days. Ask that this initial time together would be covered in the Holy Spirit’s presence, that the times of teaching and worship would be sanctified and holy.

Pray for Becca as she spends time teaching and sharing God’s word and heart with the women. Ask that she would be present and focused and would be intentional about sharing as God leads. Pray for rest and renewal for her each day, that she would anchor herself in the Lord and trust Him to lead her and give her the words to say in each conversation and moment of teaching.

Pray for Debi as she leads the women in worship, that the first desire of her heart would be to worship God with an undivided heart and mind. Pray that God would bless the work of her hands and the words of her mouth, that through her willingness to lead, He would open the way for them women to encounter Him, to know Him, to be moved by Him in ways that will be unique and powerful to each woman present. Ask that God would pour out a covering of protection over each room and each woman as they engage in worship and sit with the Lord.

Pray for M and her husband as they focus on maintaining a healthy, intercultural marriage. Pray for clear, open, and honest communication with one another; pray for joy and laughter and sensitivity towards and with one another. Pray for wisdom and discernment as they raise a family and balance family life with ministry and other responsibilities and relationships.

Pray for B as she prepares to move back to the US, knowing she probably won’t return to the mission field in a full-time capacity; ask that she would give herself space to adjust mentally and emotionally to this huge change in life, and to grieve what she will be leaving behind even as she looks ahead towards what is yet to come. Ask for clarity and direction as she looks to the Lord to guide her next steps and provide for her what she needs. Pray that she would know peace and joy in this season.

Pray for M as she continues to adjust and learn what living in another country and as a mission worker looks like. Ask that she would have great people around her to encourage her, teach her, and be an unexpected and holy support system. Pray for her to give herself grace and time to transition and learn new customs and responsibilities, and to allow herself space to miss the things and people she no longer has around her on a daily basis.

Friday, November 3

Pray for the first full day of the Egypt Haven Retreat, for the times of worship, teaching, and connection to be life-giving and full of wholeness and goodness. Pray for the Connection Crew to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit and the women they interact with, that they would know when to speak and when to stay silent and allow Jesus to move and minister around them. Ask for a continued spirit of unity and harmony as the women spend time together and point one another toward Jesus.

Pray for Sue and Jessica as they spend time counseling women in a one-on-one setting. Ask that each of these women be filled with the power and knowledge of the Holy Spirit, to listen to His voice and leading as they sit and spend time with the women who come to them. Pray they would speak in boldness as the Holy Spirit leads, that their words would be filled with truth, love, and the power of Jesus. Pray that every word they speak that is from the Lord would be protected and sealed in each heart and mind that hear.

Pray for Annette as they give through the gifts of prayer and connection, that they would listen as Jesus leads and would be obedient to the things He asks. Pray that their faith and trust in God would grow and deepen as they witness the things He does, and as they walk in obedience to the things He invites them to do, even when it seems weird or strange. Ask for rest and quiet time for each of these women, to be filled again and again with a sense of where God is leading and what He has in store for them.

Pray for S to be able to see God’s hand of provision and abundance in her life and work, and specifically in attending this Haven Retreat. Pray that as she spends time with the Lord, the Azmera Connection Crew, and the other attendees that she will be filled to overflowing with rest, fresh perspective, and joy. Ask that God would speak to her in unique and holy ways as she enters His presence through worship, teaching, and conversations; pray that her ears, heart, and mind would be open and able to receive the good things that He has for her.

Pray for L to be able to look back on the summer and all the things it held for her, and to see where God was with her, and to be reminded of how good He is. Ask that the relationships and friendships she has would grow and be a constant source of support and encouragement, that she would no longer feel as isolated and alone as she has. Pray that she would be able to see God in the people around her and in those people she would forge new friendships of depth and safety.

Pray for L to be covered in God’s peace and protection – over her heart, soul, mind, and strength, as she struggles with anxiety and panic attacks since beginning cross-cultural ministry. Pray for wholeness in her mind, and that God would bring everything in her into alignment and healing. Ask that her time at the Haven Retreat will be life-giving and she will encounter Jesus and the Holy Spirit in unexpected, beautiful, and holy ways, that will reach to the depth of her heart and have a lasting impact.

Saturday, November 4

Pray for the Haven Retreat as things become more familiar and comfortable, that there will be many opportunities for connection and conversations on deeper, more authentic levels. Ask that the Holy Spirit protect each conversation and interaction, that there will be joy and laughter alongside tears and mourning. Pray that every woman would feel the tangible presence of Jesus, that the atmosphere in the rooms would change as they gather. 

Pray for the Connection Crew as they continue to give of themselves while still seeing to their own needs. Ask for compassion, kindness, and understanding to be continually present as they each give of themselves in new and different ways. Pray that as they serve one another and the woman attending they will also encounter Jesus in unexpected ways and will see His glory revealed and will be drawn deeper into relationship with Him.

Pray for Julie, Muriel, and June as the minister through pedicures, prayer, create stations, and other practical ways of meeting the needs of the women attending. Ask that these woman would be filled with excitement for what the Lord has set before then, and each one would be willing to step in where needed with gracious hearts and minds.

Pray for M and her family, to be healthy physically and as a family unit. Ask for peace in their household; and that there would be an abundance of laughter and happiness when her family is together. Pray that she and her husband would be a woman and a man of peace, that all who encounter them would know the presence of the Holy Spirit through their countenances, their conversations, and interactions.

Pray for S to have a successful start with a new organization, that she would give herself time and space to learn new routines and ways of doing things. Ask that she would feel at home in this new organization, even as she adjusts to different ways of doing things and communicating. Pray for God to bless the work of her hands and for her to see some fruit right from the start, to encourage her and challenge her to continue on this path.

Pray for J as she continues to get back into the swing of things after spending time at home this past summer. Pray that the support and encouragement she received will continue, that she will know her life and ministry are having an impact both in the US and where she is currently living. Ask for continued direction and leading as she trusts in the Lord to guide her every step and to be her provision.

Sunday, November 5 

The Egypt Haven Retreat ends today! Ask that as the women gather together one final time, there would be shouts of joy and exclamations of praise and thanksgiving. Pray that there would be a continued sense of God’s presence and holiness as they worship together and spend time continuing to share and build friendships. Pray for a blessing over each woman as they prepare to go home. 

Pray for the Connection Crew as their time also begins to wind down. Ask that they would get good sleep and be refreshed for what is still yet to come. Pray that they would each be given the time to rest and be quiet to process and think over the things seen and experienced the past few days. Pray that as they come together to debrief their time together would continue to be guided by the Holy Spirit.

Pray for J and her family as they are in a season of exhaustion, from experiencing loss and dealing with cancer to being in positions of leadership all while parenting 8 kids. Pray for encouragement and healing and rest over each member of this family, for grace and compassion and kindness to be their cornerstones. Ask that God would continue to bring people into their lives to walk with them, support them, and offer tangible help in ways that are so needed.

Pray for J and her husband as they work at an International School and are responsible for kids from different cultures and reasons for attending – from missionary kids to diplomats to local kids. Ask for wisdom and discernment as they lead the kids and interact with the parents and families, that they would be sensitive to where everyone is coming from and would do their best to meet them where they’re at. Pray they would be sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s leading as they interact with people from different faiths and cultural backgrounds.

Pray for D to have an increased sensitivity to the voice of Jesus and to the Holy Spirit’s leading. Pray she would be attentive and obedient as she trusts God to lead her in new ways within her friendships, work, ministry, and with those she encounters on a daily basis. Ask God to fill her mouth and heart with boldness and integrity through the power of the Name of Jesus.

Pray for E as she learns Arabic, that she would be quick to understand and retain what she is learning, and would be bold in practicing whenever and wherever she can. Ask that she would look for simple opportunities to speak with native Arabic speakers, and that in doing so she would build relationships and make friends who will see Jesus in her simply through their interactions. Pray for protection and the powerful sense of the Holy Spirit with her wherever she goes.

Monday, November 6

Pray for these women who live in/around Israel, and were not able to attend the Egypt Haven Retreat because of what is happening in Israel and Gaza right now. Pray for protection over each one, for peace of heart and mind as they look to God to be their protection and deliverance, safety for their families, and trust that God will bring peace. 

Pray for E and her desire for her boys to get a good education as well as healthy friendships and learning in a safe environment. Ask that God would provide for her family as the needs arise and that they would keep their eyes focused on the Lord and would trust Him to be with them. Pray that she would find shelter and rest in God’s presence.

Pray for N to be given wisdom and discernment as she leads her team, in managing them wisely and in building a strong, healthy team. Pray for her to have good friends and community who will support her, encourage her, and be healthy sounding boards for her when she needs clarity and advice. Ask for protection and safety for her son, that he would make wise decisions, and that their relationship would grow stronger and be full of life, understanding, and compassion.

Pray for M and her desire to move from part-time ministry to full-time ministry, that she would be patient to wait on the Lord and follow as He leads. Ask that she would be focused in her ministry and would have compassion and sensitivity for those she interacts with. Pray that she would be able to see where God is at work around her and would be enthusiastic and happy to join in when and where she can.

Pray for D as she desires to create better habits and boundaries with managing her stress levels and following through on self-care and rest for herself. Pray that she would know peace in saying healthy “yeses and no’s” and would find joy in making new routines for herself. Ask that during this season of unrest and unknown, she would know peace in the presence of the Lord and would enter new depths of faith and trust in Him, as well as know His light and joy in the midst of the darkness.

Pray for L to not grow weary in bringing her fears, frustrations, and disappointments to the Lord, that she would continue to be honest with Him and trust that He has good for her even when she can’t see it. Pray for a renewed faith and sense of God’s presence with her always, that she would re-anchor her spirit in the depths of who God is. Ask for protection over her heart and mind, for her to know that God is for her and in that knowing to be at peace.

Pray for L, that God would heal her body from the chronic migraines she has been suffering from, for His hand of healing and peace to lay upon her head and bring everything into alignment and wholeness. Pray for her marriage and the strain of busyness, family, and life that it has been under recently; ask for each person to choose understanding, patience, and kindness within their marriage. 

Pray for A, that God would bring a few more people to join her in her ministry, specifically with a heart to focus on art. Ask that as she trust the Lord with this ministry, she will be able to see where He is at work and would trust that He will provide the right people at the right time. Pray that she would remain focused, and organized and would be filled with a new sense of creativity and enthusiasm for what she does. 

Tuesday, November 7 

Pray for the Connection Crew members who are beginning their journey home. Pray for smooth travel and connections, for God’s hand of protection over each one during each leg of the trip. Ask for sleep and rest and silence when it is needed most. Pray that as these women return home they will be doing so with full hearts and minds, with a spirit of wonder as they remember everything they were able to see God do through, in, and around them.

Pray for the Connection Crew members who will be spending a few additional days in Egypt. Ask that the time they spend together sightseeing and experiencing new things will be fun and will speak of who God is and what He has done. Pray for protection over these women as they travel and experience new things; pray they will see God’s hand at work and His glory revealed in beautiful ways.

Pray for M to leave the Retreat with a renewed sense of rest and hope. Ask that as she returns home it will be with a fresh perspective on things her family has had to deal with the past year, with sickness and death and a lot of hard weight to deal with. Pray that she would have been given good tools to help her create healthy routines and habits for caring for herself so that she can care for those around her. Ask that she would walk away from this feeling not only blessed but more in tune and in sync with the Lord.

Pray for M as she is reminded of who she is in Christ, to not be afraid to step fully into her identity as God has created her. Pray that she would begin to see herself as God sees her, to know her own beauty and worth, and to allow that to change her heart as she is transformed through the renewing of her mind. Ask for God’s blessing and protection over her as she walks into a new season of life.

Pray for J as she learns how to manage and balance the stresses of living cross-culturally with the responsibilities and decisions she makes on a daily basis. Ask that she would learn how to give herself grace to make mistakes and to take time in making decisions and stepping back from things for a moment to get a new perspective when necessary. Pray for wisdom and discernment and for more clarity in listening to and obeying the voice of the Lord.

Pray for L as she deals with ongoing health issues and concerns, stemming back from cancer surgeries from the past two years. Pray for health and healing throughout her body, for peace over her mind as she continues to trust in the Lord, and for a heart that finds itself at home in Jesus again and again. Ask for protection over the school she is a part of, for physical and spiritual attacks that come against it to be held back in the name of Jesus; pray that the students and families impacted will see God’s hand of protection and provision. 

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Suzanna Perdue Suzanna Perdue

Azmera GREECE Haven Retreat 2023 | Prayer Calendar (October 25-31)

Greetings, again!

We are in our last week of praying for our Colombia Haven Retreat. We hope you have some sweet time with the Lord as you sit with Him and allow Him to lead your prayers this week, for you would know His voice and trust the things He gives to you as you pray. Thank you for being here.

Friends! Greetings!

My sincerest apologies that this is coming in later than I wanted, life gets crazy, you know? Thank you for being here, we appreciate you so very much. Our Greece Haven Retreat starts this week, maybe even as you’re reading this! We are excited to pray for this retreat and every woman participating, and this retreat has a lot of women attending! So you will find the prayer suggestions a bit heavy on the numbers going forward, so as always please allow the Holy Spirit to lead you as you pray, and do not feel obligated to pray for every single one; He knows who you need to pray for and why. As you spend time praying this week my prayer for you is that you will encounter Jesus in unexpected and beautiful ways, and will be reminded of who you are in Him and to Him. May you be encouraged and blessed and filled with hope. ~suzanna

Wednesday, October 25

Pray for The Connection Crew as they spend time team building and getting things in order for the Retreat. Pray that there would be unity, compassion, and kindness among this specific group of women as they come together to serve and encourage the women attending, as well as to meet one another where they’re at. Ask that as things come up and there are bumps in the road, that they would be understanding and gracious towards one another and with the situations themselves.

Pray for S as she has mounting frustrations and irritability with her organization and coworkers, as there has recently been more chaos than not. Ask that as she manages her feelings and tasks with things as they have been with the disruption of everything that she gives herself grace. Pray that she would turn her face towards the Lord and know His love and goodness for her.

Pray for S as she desires to step out in faith and watch God provide. Pray that she would be bold in her asking and that God would go above and beyond in what, how, and when He gives to her. Ask that in this season she keeps a tender heart and would walk with a new level of trust and love for God.

Pray for A as she navigates the last few years of parenting and homeschooling teens, for wisdom and discernment as she continues to lead them towards finishing well. Ask for grace, understanding, and compassion to cover their home and relationships. Pray that as she looks ahead and begins exploring options for what to do when her kids leave the nest that she would do so with hope and an adventurous heart and would not let things hold her back from trying new and different things.

Pray for M and her husband as they continue with the rhythms and routines of the Fall season, as they rest from the busyness of summer and look ahead towards the Holidays and a change of pace. Pray that they would both make time to rest and refocus, that they would lead their team well, and would make one another a priority amidst the challenges of life and ministry.

Pray for B as she steps away from her family and ministry and gives herself space to rest and reconnect with the Lord. Ask that she would be encouraged in the work she is doing, and would see how God’s word and work and presence are seen and known in dark places. 

Thursday, October 26 – Retreat Starts

The Haven Retreat Starts Today! Pray for the Connection Crew as they welcome the women in, that their first interactions will be filled with warmth and caring, that each woman who arrives will sense a shift in the atmosphere for her - a sense of safety, love, and the knowledge that she is seen and loved. 

Pray for Christina and Kari as they lead and manage this Haven Retreat, that they will both be rested and refreshed each day, that they will be sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s voice and leading, that they will communicate and listen well, and that they will lay aside their own expectations and allow Jesus to lead.

Pray for Peg and Joy as they prepare and spend time leading the women with their gifts of teaching (Peg) and worship (Joy). Thank God for the way He has gifted these women and ask that they be filled to the fullness with humility and a longing to see God glorified and known. Pray for these women to be protected by the power of the Name of Jesus as they speak and lead in boldness and love.

Pray for D and her husband as they need a place of rest, to rest. Ask that the Lord would be gracious and abundant in His provision for them, as He knows the deepest needs of their hearts and bodies. Pray that as they enter into places of rest they would encounter Jesus and would find and know peace for their hearts, minds, and souls.

Pray for Y and her desire for peace between Russia and other countries, ask the Lord to continue to move in power, and to bring healing, peace, and hope, especially to those involved in and directly affected by the war between Ukraine and Russia. Pray for God to give her wisdom and understanding as she stands in the gap for those around her, that she would be sensitive to the needs of others and to the voice and leading of the Holy Spirit. 

Friday, October 27

Pray for the Haven Retreat on its first full day. Pray that the time the women spend in worship, teaching, and discussion will be full of goodness, truth, and vulnerability. Pray for the Connection Crew as they create safe spaces for authenticity, tears, and life. Ask that the Holy Spirit be present in every conversation and that the rooms and spaces the women gather would be consecrated as holy.

Pray for Crystal as she gives of her time through Spiritual Direction and Pilates and simply being present with each woman she interacts with. Pray for protection and healing over her mind and body, and for her heart and spirit to be in tune with Jesus. 

Pray for Veronica and Mary Jane as they make themselves available for Healing Prayer to those who desire it. Pray that each of these women will speak in boldness, truth, and faith and that only the words from their mouths that are sanctified by the Lord will be heard by those they pray with.

Pray for Nan, Dina, and Kerri as they counsel women one-on-one. Ask that each of these women be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit, and an increased sensitivity to His voice and leading, trusting Him with every word they speak. Pray that their rooms will be covered with His protection and presence.

Pray for H as she looks forward to spending time at this retreat with her mom, for the time they spend together to be fun and life-giving and full of truth and goodness. Ask God to give her and her mom and covering of protection and peace as they spend time with one another and with the Lord, and as they spend time with other women. Pray that she would encounter God in a way that she has never known, that it would be everything good and holy and unexpected.

Pray for L as she desires to be whole and well mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally. Pray that she would have clarity in knowing what things are positively or negatively affecting her and wisdom and discernment in setting healthy boundaries. Ask that God would bring good people into her life to encourage her and point her towards wholeness and truth, and to sit with her in comfort and presence in the darkness.

Saturday, October 28

Pray for Day Two of the Haven Retreat, as the women have gotten to know one another that they will feel more comfortable to share more deeply and authentically in the safe spaces that have been created. Pray for the times of worship and teaching and fellowship to be filled with the presence of the Lord in such a way that each woman will encounter Jesus in holy and unexpected ways.

Pray for Chantay and Keitha as they serve the women through the gift of massage. Pray that each woman they minister to will feel loved and cared for and will see Jesus through their interactions. Ask that these women will serve in boldness and faith, and will give the Lord any fears or hesitations they may feel as He invites them into new areas of faith and obedience.

Pray for Tary as she oversees the Create Station, that she will be confident in her gifts and abilities to make the space welcoming and fun. Pray for her as she walks in new ways of faith with the Lord and trusts Him to use what she brings to Him. Ask that she would be able to see the fruit of her work on this retreat.

Pray for Brenda, Ashley, Lisa, Lynn, Rosslyn, and Kate as they minister through the tangible gift of giving pedicures and prayer. Ask that each of these women will be filled with joy and excitement to serve in this way, that they would be humble and compassionate as they meet with each woman they sit with. Pray that God would fill the pedicure room with His presence, power, and holiness.

Pray for S as she looks to the Lord to be her provision personally and spiritually. Pray that she would be given clarity and understanding as to what that looks like in her life and heart, that she would listen to His voice as He speaks truth to her and invites her into new areas of faith and life. Ask for His protection over her as she walks in faith and trust.

 Pray for E, her husband and son as they each continue to deal with the aftermath of a terrible road accident almost a year ago; pray for complete healing and wholeness in her son’s leg. Ask for a good support system and community to continue to be alongside them as they walk towards healing and give their fears to the Lord. Pray for joy and peace to be their song, that they would choose to walk in freedom in Jesus.

Sunday, October 29

Pray for the Greece Haven Retreat as it ends and the women begin their journeys home. Ask that the last few hours spent together will be filled with joy and hope, that the things they’ve learned, experienced and have been reminded of will settle deeply and securely in their hearts and minds. Pray for the glory of the Lord to be present and visible.

Pray for the Connection Crew as they wind down their time serving and their time together, that they each would find moments to rest and process the past week. Ask that as they debrief together there would be laughter and joy and moments of awe as they share what they have seen God do. Pray for wisdom and sensitivity for those leading to meet this team where they’re at and to give space to each woman when and how she needs it.

Pray for the Egypt Connection Crew as they land in Egypt and make their way towards Sharm El-Sheikh, after already long hours of travel and connections. Pray for continued protection and rest over each woman, for smooth flights and no lost luggage or problems with travel. Ask God to unify this team, especially if there are some coming from Greece, in a way that is unique and holy and beautiful for this time alone. Pray that as each woman arrives in Egypt she will be given a clear sense that God has something unique and profound in store for her alone, and will be on the lookout for what and where God will reveal it. Pray for rest and a quick adjustment to the time and culture change.

Pray for J and her husband to have clarity, patience, and perseverance as she and her husband study and learn German, that they would be persistent in learning but also cut themselves and one another some slack when they sense they just need a break. Pray that as she parents her kids and helps them make decisions about what comes next after High School. Ask that they would each have wisdom and discernment as they explore options and ask for input from family and friends, that they would listen and make their decisions based on truth and to follow their own hearts desires and dreams. 

Pray for J and her team as they continue to disciple and follow up with young people they met during the summer programs and outreaches they put on. Ask for wisdom as they look for new ways to connect and meet people where they are, that they would be patient in waiting for leading and direction from the Lord. Pray that she would be encouraged and know that God is at work even in the places she can’t see.

Pray for M and her family, especially her four kids, as they transition to living in a new place and adjust to new routines, faces, and layout of the area. Ask that she would be patient and understanding with herself and her family as they each adjust at different rates and in different ways; ask that their household and family would be full of grace and compassion for one another. Pray for open eyes and hearts to see and welcome new opportunities and relationships that a move provides.

Monday, October 30

Pray for K as she faces the challenges of being on a staff of three at their church plant, alongside starting an inner healing prayer ministry and learning what that means as she trains for it. Ask that she would make time and space to sit and rest quietly, for the wisdom and discernment to know what rest looks like for her. Pray that she would learn in new ways what the voice of the Lord sounds like, and that as she does so she would walk in obedience and confidence as He leads her. Ask that God would be abundant in financial provision for her and that she would trust Him to provide for her needs as the need arises.

Pray for N to have an increased sensitivity to the voice of and awareness of the presence of the Holy Spirit as she interacts with both children and adults in the ministry she has. Pray that she will walk and speak in boldness and faith as she follows the leading of the Lord. Ask that she would trust God to bless the work of her hands and to find rest for her soul as she steps away from the responsibilities to attend the Haven Retreat.

Pray for D as she leads and serves the women in positions of leadership in her church, that she would be gracious and tender in her ministry and learn what it means to meet each woman where they are at. Pray that the women in this ministry would be encouraged and challenged in their faith as they walk with the Lord and step out in obedience in the ministries of their own. Ask for protection and provision for each woman.

Pray for E as she seeks clarity in her job, that she would ask good questions and be teachable as she learns. Ask that she would be approachable and kind in her workplace and that she would be confident in her skills and abilities and would work with boldness and faith. Pray for good co-workers and friends to support and encourage her.

Pray for K as she continues to adjust to being a mother to an infant and toddler, and all the extra work and effort that come with it. Pray that she would see where God is with her in the midst of sickness and sleepless nights and the constant demands of the tiny people in her care. Ask that she would have good friends who will listen to her, validate her feelings, and provide a safe place for her to share her frustrations, tiredness, and joys with. 

Tuesday, October 31 

Pray for the Greece Connection Crew as they begin their trip home, that they would be given safe travel, smooth flights and connections, and moments of deep rest and sleep. Pray that as they travel together they would continue to share the things they experienced and learn, and would be reminded again and again of how good and amazing God is. Pray for protection and peace over each woman.

Pray for the Egypt Connection Crew as they spend time getting to know one another, praying together, and experiencing new things together, that there would be a deep sense of unity and purpose. Ask that this group of women would have fun together, would be kind, compassionate, and understanding, and would see the value in the gifts and life experiences that each one brings with her. Pray for a covering of protection and holiness over this team.

Pray for R as she desires to grow closer to the Lord and hear His voice even more clearly. Ask that as He makes His voice known to her in different ways that she will trust Him and follow Him in faith and hope. Pray that as she walks into new areas of relationship with God she will never cease to be astounded at who He is, what He has done and is doing, and the glory that is His alone.

Pray for A to trust that God will provide for her and her family’s needs as He sees fit, whether that is housing or finances or peace of mind. Pray that she will see where He is with her and will be reminded of how He has been her provision all the times in the past. Ask that as she waits on Him and trusts in Him that she will be filled with hope and confidence and excitement to see where He will reveal His hand of goodness and love.

Pray for K as she asks God to continue to reveal His plan for the ministry she is involved in, that she would trust the words that He speaks and will move forward or stay in place in confidence and trust. Ask that her posture would be one of faith and willingness to let go of things that are as He invites her into new areas and relationships that He has set in place for her. Pray that she would be filled with joy and hope as she looks ahead towards what is yet to come.

Pray for F as she desires to focus on her walk with God and grow in her relationship with Him. Pray that He would bring people into her life to challenge her, hold her accountable, and point her towards Jesus in a consistent manner. Ask for grace and compassion as she learns new facets of who God is and who she is in Him, that she would trust Him as He shows her places and relationships in her life that may need to be shifted so that she will become more like Him in new ways and areas within her own heart and mind. 

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Suzanna Perdue Suzanna Perdue

Azmera GREECE Haven Retreat 2023 | Prayer Calendar (October 18-24)

Greetings, again!

We are in our last week of praying for our Colombia Haven Retreat. We hope you have some sweet time with the Lord as you sit with Him and allow Him to lead your prayers this week, for you would know His voice and trust the things He gives to you as you pray. Thank you for being here.

Hello, Dear Friends.

We are preparing for two Haven Retreats: a Haven Retreat in Greece from October 26-29, and a Haven Retreat in Egypt from November 2-5. We are trusting God as we move forward with our plans, especially with the state of war that is happening in Israel at this time. Would you pray with us for wisdom and discernment in the best course of action? For leadership to listen and act as the Lord leads, however, He should lead? We’d sure appreciate that. 

Otherwise, here is a new prayer calendar for a new season of Haven Retreats! We have quite a few women signed up to attend the Greece Retreat, so will be heavy on the prayer suggestions for each day. As always, thank you so much for giving your time to read these and to spend time praying over each woman involved in this Retreat. I encourage you to sit and listen to the Holy Spirit and allow Him to lead you as you pray for our sisters; sometimes what He has in mind isn’t what’s right in front of us, you know? As you spend time praying, may you yourself be blessed and encouraged and encounter the God of ages in a way that is unique and life-giving to your heart, mind, soul, and strength.


Wednesday, October 18

Pray for E as she continues to transition and adjust to living in Italy after being in Ireland for three years; pray for focus as she learns a new language and culture, and for grace to give herself in abundance as the adjustment continues. Ask that she would find a good community of people to support and encourage her, as she grows in her walk with the Lord.

Pray for S to be brave and courageous in moving from what she thinks people expect her to be, to a posture of authenticity and vulnerability. Pray that God would bring good people into her life that will create safe places for her to let her guard down and share the parts of herself that she usually keeps hidden. Ask for peace and protection over her as she steps into new areas of relationship and ministry as she follows Jesus’ leading in choosing to be authentic and genuine. 

Pray for L as she desires community and friendships with others who are her age and at her stage in life, as she has children and grandchildren in the U.S. and has passed the seasons of young motherhood and family. Ask that the Lord will be gracious in His provision, and will bring women into her life who will understand the season she is in and will encourage her in her ministry and relationships.

Pray for G and for protection over her and her family; pray for health and wellness for her and for each member of her family. Ask that she would trust God with her family and with all of the “what ifs” that are beyond her control. Pray for peace over and in her heart and mind.

Thursday, October 19

Pray for O as she struggles with health issues related to her thyroid; pray that God would lay His hand of healing over her body and bring into alignment everything that is not working properly and is off-balance within her. Pray for her peace of mind and heart as she has family fighting on the front lines in Ukraine, that she would seek God’s face and know His peace as she holds the worries and concerns close to her heart.

Pray for Y and the exhaustion she is experiencing, in both heart and mind and physically as well. Ask that God would give her clarity and peace in where she is and what she is doing, that she would have discernment if things need to change or she needs to shift ministry or perspective. Pray that she would make time to be still before the Lord and allow Him to refill and refresh her weary heart and soul.

Pray for H to trust God to give her times of rest and quiet, as she is worn out with the ongoing war in Ukraine and the direct effects it has on her and her family. Pray for her to see the places God is inviting her into so that He can give her rest and take the burdens from her. Ask that she would have wisdom and discernment in raising her children (youngest is 14) and balancing their needs with her own.

Pray for M as she works alone this fall, with her teammates and friends back home on furlough. Ask that God would meet here where she is in the absence of the friends, support and community she is used to. Pray that she would know confidence and peace in the areas she will be stretched and challenged, that she would be excited to step into new areas of growth in her walk with God and in her ministry.

Friday, October 20

Pray for K as she struggles with the amount of work and pressure she has been under, making this a very difficult season for her to be in. Pray that God would send others to come alongside her to ease the burden and workload, as well as to offer her encouragement, perspective, and grace. Ask that she would arm herself in the truth of who God is and who she is in Him, to choose truth and light over the fear and doubts that are spoken to her in the quiet places. Pray she would see Jesus at work in and around her and that would fill her with hope and the power of the Holy Spirit.

Pray for C as she balances being a wife and mother with team leading and overseeing various training and staffing needs. Ask that she would be aware of how her priorities are lined up and would have the wisdom and discernment to know what to step back from to make way for things that will be more important in this season. 

Pray for N as she desires to be refreshed in Scripture, that she would be able to define what that means for her and how she wants to use that time spent in the Word. Ask for God to meet her wildly and unexpectedly in the pages of the book she has spent hours in, that His word and truth would come to life for her in ways she doesn’t expect but that meet her heart right where she is. Pray that she would trust God with what the future holds and that she would be content to focus on and be present in the life she has right now.

Pray for M to have clarity and understanding of what it means to be an Adult Third Culture Kid, and for wisdom and discernment as she leads other Third Culture Kids and helps them to better understand themselves and the unique roles they have as TCK’s. Ask that as she leads and learns in this role that she would keep her eyes focused on the Lord and will allow Him to speak identity and the truth of who she in Him, apart from anything else she has done or been. Pray that she would find freedom and confidence in who she is in Jesus alone.

Saturday, October 21

Pray for L and her desire to be refreshed and renewed in the goodness of God, and by Him alone. Pray for her to see the opportunities God is inviting her to, that she would step with faith and boldness into areas she may be unsure about but that she would be sure of who God is and know that what He has for her is good. Ask that as He refreshes and renews her spirit and heart she would be filled with hope and anticipation for the good things He has yet to bestow.

Pray for M as she desires to speak English with confidence, especially with those who are older than she is. Ask that she would give herself grace and that she will be met with love and kindness in every conversation and interaction she has, specifically where English is being spoken. Pray that as she speaks she would do so with peace and wisdom, and that God would bless and use the relationships that she is building through this practice. Pray that she would know joy and be filled with light and laughter.

Pray for L as she desires security and resources for those in the midst of the war in Ukraine. Pray that God will give her wisdom and leading in how best to use the resources He’s given her to come alongside those in need, to offer not only comfort and compassion but tangible ways to meet people where they’re at. Ask that God would move in power in her life and in the lives of those around her to provide healing, peace, and hope.

Pray for C and the health issues that have risen up this year, for the toll that it has taken on her physically, mentally, and emotionally. Ask that God would bring healing and wholeness over her body, that He would speak peace and calm over her mind, and that He would soothe and bring rest to her emotions. Pray for people in her life to come alongside her to be encouragement, offer refreshment in tangible ways, and to point her towards Jesus and truth when she needs it the most. Ask that she would be reminded again and again of how loved she is and of how much good God has for her.

Sunday, October 22 

Pray for our Connection Crew as they begin their trip to Greece! Pray for safety in traveling, for smooth flights and connections, and for as much rest as possible on all the legs of the journey. Pray for each woman as they step away from jobs, families, and responsibilities to focus on serving the woman who will be attending the Haven Retreat. Ask that this specific team of women will connect with one another, that there would be a great measure of kindness, laughter, and unity as they work together in different settings and with different perspectives and backgrounds.

Pray for the Hotel Staff and Service Workers who will come in contact with the women of this retreat, that they will sense a shift in the atmosphere as the Holy Spirit fills each room and space that the women will occupy. Pray for good communication, favor, and grace as things will arise and unexpected situations will come up. Pray that every person who encounters any of the women involved with Azmera will be met with grace, compassion, and love, and will see Jesus because of it.

Pray for A as she wraps up and reflects on the busyness of the summer and all the activities, travel, and meetings of early Fall. Pray that she would make time to sit and rest and reflect in the Lord’s presence, that she would know that He is waiting to meet with her to continue to speak truth and love to her. Ask that God would have a special place prepared for her at the Haven Retreat, that she would encounter Him and know His love and goodness as she never has before. 

Monday, October 23

Because of the circumstances currently happening in Israel and the Gaza Strip right now, we anticipate that most of the women who had registered to attend either the Greece or Egypt Haven Retreats who would have been coming from Israel and the surrounding areas will no longer be able to attend. These are some of the women who live in those areas, so we ask special prayers of protection, peace, trust, and faith as their lives are disrupted. Pray for peace over hearts and minds, for families that have been split up to trust God, for fear to be entrusted to the Lord, and for Jesus to come in power and make things new and right.

Pray for A and her family’s small business as the cost of growing pains is expensive, that God will be abundant and timely in His provision, that they will trust Him wholeheartedly, and that they will see His hand at work in all of the unknown-to-them. Pray also for protection and peace over their family and business as they navigate running a business in the midst of the upheaval and chaos in Israel at this time.

Pray for M and the responsibility she has of co-managing a shelter for homeless women. Pray that she would have wisdom and discernment as she meets with women who need spiritual guidance and clarity in next steps. Ask that she would make space to listen and be present with each woman that she meets with, and that she would have an increase in sensitivity to the women and to the Holy Spirit’s voice and leading.

Pray for D as she learns how to balance new motherhood with also leading a new ministry. Pray that she would find time to rest and connect with the Lord in these new phases of life, and in those moments of rest, she would be filled with peace, hope, and joy in the things that are and the things that are yet to come. 

Tuesday, October 24

*Continued prayers for the women in/around Israel

Pray for L and her family’s ministry to those around them, as they lead people in worship and share the truth of who God is through music. Ask that the Lord would bless the work of their hands and the words of their mouths, especially is there is so much upheaval, sorrow, and unknown around them. Ask that God would be their confidence, their hope, and joy when the night is long and dark and fear is tangible. Pray that they would see God move in power and authority as they worship Him in the midst of the turmoil around them.

Pray for R and her concern for her husband’s health, as they move forward with his recovery from cancer and the surgeries, radiation, and chemotherapy he underwent. Pray that God would continue to pour out healing and health over both of them and would give peace and rest to their hearts and minds. Ask that this time she will have at the Haven Retreat will be life-giving, restful, and that she will be encouraged and encounter Jesus in a way that will be precious and holy only for her.

Pray for G and her husband as they continue to adjust to living in a new apartment and town. Ask that the friendships they’ve made – both through Bible study and otherwise -  will be life-giving and safe for them during this time. Pray for protection over them, and for them to have wisdom and discernment in how to meet the needs of those around them even as they figure out what is the best and safest course of action for themselves. Ask that they would know the presence and power of God with them in powerful and holy ways. 

Pray for D as they wait to hear about her husband’s citizenship request, especially as things in Israel have come to a stop. Pray for patience, trust, and the wisdom to keep their eyes focused on the Lord in the midst of so many great fears and unknowns. Ask that God would be their confidence and peace and that they would know His presence and protection in big ways and small. Pray for hope and faith in greater measure as they look to Him to be their provision.

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