Partner with Azmera NORTHERN IRELAND Volunteers

  • Grace Cabalka


    Grace loves to encourage people to walk in intimacy with God. She has been a Bible teacher, speaker, and writer for over 25 years. She served overseas part-time for many years in Romania and did a stint of one year in the DRCongo in 2007. She enjoys great coffee and long chats about life, love, personal growth, God, and grandkids. Grace is married, has four adult children and eight grandchildren...hoping for more. 


  • Kari Berglund


    Kari lives in Littleton, CO but can also be found exploring in her camper van with her dog Lucy. She has 3 adult children, 3 grandsons, and 2 granddaughters. Kari loves to come alongside women in their faith journey through prayer, encouragement, and Bible study. She has many global worker friends and loves partnering with what God is doing around the world in any way she can. In her free time, she pursues photography and anything crafty. 

  • Crystal Boecker

    Crystal is a trained Spiritual Director, Counselor, and Pilates instructor and enjoys using every bit of each of these practices to ignite women’s curiosity and love for the Lord! She lives in Denver Colorado with her dapper husband and has 2 delightful daughters. Crystal and her husband were global workers in East Asia for 20 years.

  • Stacey Jaramillo

    Stacey is from Boulder, Colorado. She and her husband have three children. Stacey is a Licensed Cosmetologist and has owned her own salon, Divine Creations in Erie, Colorado. She also served as a Group Leader for Bible Study Fellowship and has enjoyed being a part of her church’s Vacation Bible School. Stacey enjoys arts and crafts and her hobbies include working on puzzles with her husband, reading, journaling, and coloring.