Creating a safe space to find rest, be restored, get connected, and return reignited.
Global Retreats

Republic of Georgia 2025 (Oct) Now Open

Northern Ireland 2025 (Oct/Nov) Now Open

Senegal 2026 (Feb)

Zambia or Zimbabwe 2026 (Feb)

Panama 2026 (Apr)
Past Azmera Global Retreats
“Hard to put into words... Field-life can feel full of pressure, seriousness, you stretch, you don't spend on yourself, community is limited... And suddenly we entered the Azmera retreat and are seen and loved, supported, pampered with exquisite gifts, and with other like-minded women to laugh and share and see God moving in our conversations.. I feel buoyant! It's like drinking from a stream of Living Water you forgot existed. Words aren't enough... Thank you, thank you, thank you, for pouring into us! (and out of the Overflow I got to share Jesus with a local woman on the beach today:-)”
“The last many years have been a hard walk. I came out to the Azmera haven retreat vaguely thinking it would be okay to connect with some new ladies but not really desiring much. I was too numb to think much about anything outside work. After the first evening I felt hard places releasing, shell softening. Bits of Truth seeping in undefined identity as a love daughter of God waking. The Lord reminded me how much he desires me. Even me. Thank you for investing in me. Thank you for refueling me, walking me to a place of refreshing.”
“What a blessing you have given me! The ability to come to a safe, beautiful place where life feels more organized and familiar and met with Jesus has greatly refreshed my soul! From the demands of leadership in ministry, never-ending desire to meet needs all around me, as well as being wife, mother, friend – this space to breathe, be pampered, dig into God’s Word and most importantly be impactfully prayed over has blessed me in the deepest way. I’ve learnt it’s OK not to be OK all the time, to move over and let Jesus in the boat, to see the mercy canceling out the waves of the devil in such a real way these last few days – He is my peace in the chaos! As I head back into the challenges of navigating cultural differences, abundant need, and lack of gospel sharers, I’m at peace knowing He will hold me fast. Thank you for making this all possible – for partnering in missions around the world. May God bless you and keep you in His peace!”
“Thank you SO much for this time at Azmera! Living in the Middle East – not only has this time been such a breath of fresh air, but realized the business & heaviness were keeping me from seeing some things deep in my heart. The time & space here gave me the ability to walk through those things, & walk in the fulness of what He has in this time. Thank you so much for being a huge piece in making this possible, freeing me to continue ministering in power & authority of the Cross! “
“Wow, how can I thank you properly for providing a RESET for little me? I’m so grateful I was able to get away from the normal (but very good and fulfilling!) day- to-day life. God gave me rest and time on this retreat. I really needed a safe space for reflection. And Azmera was that safe place!"
MALTA 2025
"I arrived weary, feeling like I had lost my purpose after 20+ years of seeing overseas. In my heart I was pondering for the first time in my life throwing in the towel. But, the Azmera team listened to the Holy Spirit and shifted to the message He had of RESET - and I am returning to the Muslim world with a fresh invitation from God to abide, to keep company with Him as well as He provided an older woman to take next steps with me and mentor me."
"I have no words to describe the gratitude I feel about having a chance to attend the Azmera MALTA 2024! It has truly been a life-changing blessing and rejuvenation. I thank Jesus for this perfectly-timed opportunity. The excellent work and effort of the Azmera team is mind-blowing and builds God’s Kingdom in this earth!"
“Thank you for helping to provide this time of rest and refreshing for us in the midst of our ministries and family lives. I personally felt God speaking to my heart, reaffirming my worthiness in His sight through staff and other attendees who took the time to share and listen to my story, through the spiritual direction session and just through a community of authenticity.”
“The ability to step away from the daily grind and sit at the feet of Jesus is absolutely life-giving and will let me go back to my family and ministry refreshed and with renewed love for the Lord, my cup is filled.”
“I can’t adequately express what a gift this retreat has been to me! I’ve been on the field for almost 18 years and have never before attended something like this. I feel God’s love and care and am overwhelmed by how He has lavishly shown this to me this week. I feel refreshed in my spirit and encouraged by my interactions with like-minded women. I am moving forward with new skills in recognizing lies from the enemy and how to combat them with truth. Thank you for being a part of my story!”
“I am so full of rest and rejuvenation. I’ve struggled recently with feeling useful to God, not loved. This weekend I was reminded to draw close and talk to Him and feel the closeness. Thank you again. I’m excited about tackling my stories with God! “
“ It was absolutely just what I needed. For quite some time I was feeling a little overwhelmed and alone. I felt like God didn’t notice be at all. However, during the haven retreat I could hear God saying that He sees me and that I didn’t go unnoticed. Since then, the name El Roi has been stuck in my heart.”
“You will not fully understand the impact haven retreats have on our soul & spirit, and how when we are restored, it continues to impact our families, communities, and nations. Azmera haven retreats make us better women. We get an opportunity to lay our hearts, troubles, and sorrows bare before the Father, so He can work in us.
EGYPT 2023
“Serving overseas, it is so easy to feel depleted, feel overwhelmed by the needs, feel like you’re never enough. The teaching, worship, and prayer here has reminded us how lavish God’s love is, and how we are perfectly loved in Christ. This fills us up so literally to go back and serve with renewed strength.”
“I have been encouraged, refreshed, healed deep in my soul. I couldn’t have ever imagined all the incredible ways God would encourage my soul this weekend. There is so much love and thought put into every day for those who are weary on the journey of ministry. I will be able to chew on the teachings, scripture, and worship for months to come. I am in a dry and thirsty land, and this oasis has refreshed for the arduous journey ahead.”
“It’s beautiful to see the body of Christ working together in supporting one another all over the world! Coming into this weekend I had been in a season of burnout for about 6 months. Even though the road to recovery is still a long one, I feel refreshed, loved, and cared for after this weekend. So thank you so much for your heart that serves the Lord and the church.”
“I serve in Ukraine and came to the retreat with so many questions and carrying heavy burdens of loss. God used this time to fill me, renew hope and show the way He will make my paths straight as I keep trusting an “unsafe” but good God.”
"I feel like the haven retreat rekindled my passion for the Lord/ministry and gave me hope for living longer overseas"
"By your gift, I had the most marvelous experience, connecting with women from all over South America; laughing, crying, sharing together, resting, being filled by God’s Word, and experiencing Jesus’ goodness every minute. It was a transformational weekend that I’ll cherish forever. It is the rest, encouragement, & teaching I needed to continue on sharing the gospel on college campuses in Colombia, loving my neighbors & being Jesus’s hands & feet"
“Being on the field for 10 years & seeing haven retreats happen in places I couldn’t afford to go meant having one in Vietnam to be so, so special. God has met me and given me love and strength to continue, healed my grief, and strengthened my feeble knees. He has put a new song in my heart."
"This ministry is so special to me! It’s so needed and it’s such a treasure that God uses in MIGHTY ways! God set me free from the picture of shame I was holding over myself wrongly! He taught me, gave me clarity, gave me rest and taught me about His love for me, not only the ones I serve. THANK you for partnering to be the hands & feet of Jesus so that we could receive."
“The Lord is indeed faithful and my prayers (or somehow expectations) for this were exceeded beyond expectations. I was refreshed and recharged. I just can’t wait to see how the Lord will move & lead me in the upcoming days to IGNITE others back home as well.”
“Thank you so much for your support that allowed me to come on this trip. I came with a big block between myself & my relationship with the Holy Spirit. I had the opportunity to sign-up for Inner Healing Prayer & God set me free! This is life-changing for me & my walk with Christ.”
STATESIDE Summit 2023
"God showed me the different avenues He is working to advance His kingdom and how much He values women partnering with Him."
"It helped me to remember that I’m not alone in the feelings I have felt. It has also connected me with new friends that get me."
"I really appreciated the Connection Circles, small groups, where it seems Azmera & God can group together those in similar situations."
"Opened my mind to global outreach and how I view God, stretching me toward what might be the next step for me."
"So much thought, love, and care went into it. I am so grateful. I took of my crown of shame & received my identity in Christ after 47 years. The act of love, compassion, warmth, and kindness has been such deep ministry. Thank you for such a ministry. Thank you for hearing from God.
"These 4 days in Israel have been life changing for me. The Lord did some very deep heart surgery in me - shining His light on places that were causing serious relationship problems with my husband. The messages from the teaching and conversation I had with the counselors did years of work in just days."
"This weekend created a sanctuary & safe place to receive significant revelation, with more support and wisdom from seasoned believers, than I have ever had before!"
"Your support has truly refreshed my soul coming out of a long season of emotional wilderness – the Well of Living Water flowed from my heart and eyes these last few days & I see beauty again – all around! Thank you!"
"God has been present, working, encouraging, teaching through these amazing ladies. I sense His great pleasure these four days, and I am so happy to have been able to be here! We have few chances to get away from ministry life and receive encouragement and love, and Azmera and you have given us this gift."
"This haven retreat rekindled that spark that I hadn’t realized was lost."
Azmera Adventures are about making way for transformation while experiencing God in adventure.
"The day we summited was super hard. Just like I conquered Kilimanjaro, I realized that, with God, I could conquer much that life brings my way."
"I came here spiritually dry. This haven retreat has helped me find joy in my walk with Jesus again."
"Never have I so quickly and deeply formed relationships with so many women over just a few days as I did at this retreat. Authenticity and openness were fostered in such a sweet way that shallow conversation was unnecessary."
"When I came to this haven retreat, I was exhausted spiritually, physically, mentally, and emotionally. I came expecting to find rest physically but God opened my eyes to see other areas of my life that needed rest. I am thankful for the opportunity and space to come here and be refreshed. I experienced the Fathers’ love & touch. I am ready to go back out back to my home, community & ministry and reach out in a new way."
"My love tank has been filled! I have been showered with love, acceptance, and so many blessings. God’s love for me has been so real in this time."
KENYA 2022
"Often when I visit home, I feel like people don’t know how much I need to be refreshed by attentiveness. Working overseas can be exhausting and lonely work. We serve but often don’t take the time or know where to find the deep kind of rest and receiving that the Azmera haven retreat avails to us. Thank you for helping to send ministers to us. Thank you for blessing me with strength and tools for this season in my life. Your contribution has been invaluable and the nurture I received has fueled my capacity to go back with new purpose & strength."
"My hope coming here was that God would renew my vision, passion, and direction for the work He has called me to in Uganda, and He did just that."
"The communion with the saints at this haven retreat has been enriching and encouraging and soul stirring in my walk with the Lord. Getting to hear how God is working in so many different countries and context’s and being reminded that I am not alone has been powerful, and makes one excited and refueled to get back to ministry."
"Thank you for making it possible for women across the globe to be encouraged. I have had the Lord meet me in places that I didn’t know that I needed to be met as well as places that I knew I needed"
"Thank you for facilitating an amazing weekend for me to focus on my relationship with Christ and take time to listen. I have felt seen and loved after a very isolating season in my life. This retreat is a beautiful image of the body of Christ and I return to my place of service renewed, hope ignited, and with guidance to make new steps"
"Thanks so much for the gift of sending women to bless us and bring us out of our boxes to see something new of God. I was refreshed and am now ready to go back into the battle. Keep up the good work supporting women all over the world who love and serve the Lord. We need it!
"God is using every detail of this ministry – bringing other global workers together is a gift – even without all the goodies (but I loved those too). I feel like I have a “tribe” now of women who get me!! "
“I arrived tired & feeling spiritually dry, no I’m leaving rested, blessed by God’s love expressed thru human hands such as yours. I feel empowered to go out & continue serving our Father & my community in Cambodia.”
“ I have been above and beyond blessed by this haven retreat. I haven’t felt so spoiled in al my life. The love and gifts that have been poured out to me have been overwhelming. As a global worker, we go long periods of time, even years, without having anyone pour back into us. I can’t say enough, thank you! I have made new friends and been spiritually & physically revived. I’m ready to get back into the battle!”