Azmera BOLIVIA Haven Retreat 2024 | Prayer Calendar (April 14-21)

Hello! We are here for another week of praying for the women of our Bolivia Haven Retreat, thank you for the time you will spend praying. Please take time to ask the Lord to highlight the women He has set aside for you to pray for, and trust that He knows the why behind the leading. We hope you are encouraged, refreshed, and left with a new sense of the power of God as you spend time praying this week.


Sunday, April 14

The Bolivia Haven Retreat ends today! Pray for the women as they gather together, that their final time spent with one another would be refreshing, and encouraging and they would be given words of hope and truth to take with them. Pray for the Connection Crew as they lead their tables and conversations one last time, that each woman would be rested and ready to share as the Lord leads; pray for boldness, confidence, and trust.

Pray for the women as they begin their journey home, that there would be safety and protection over each one. Ask that the things they learned, were reminded of, and experienced will be rooted in their hearts and minds, to be remembered when they need it the most. Ask that the times they spent with God through worship and prayer would be cemented in their hearts, that they would be renewed and refreshed in heart and spirit. Pray that the words spoken to and over them in truth and love would continue to hold weight and power as they get back to families, jobs, ministries, and routines.

Pray for M and her desire for spiritual renewal. Ask for wisdom and direction as she seeks the Lord, that she will do so with an open heart and mind to hear His voice and to receive the good life, refreshment, and rest that He has for her. Pray that as she spends time with Him, she will do so with a joyful heart, and be filled with hope and anticipation for new life in Jesus.


Monday, April 15

Pray for K as she desires to love the people around her well, with actions and not just words. Pray she would be sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s voice and leading, and would be obedient to the things He invites her into. Ask that she would know she is a reflection of the Lord’s love to those around her, and would find contentment in simply being who He has created her to be.

Pray for W as she recognizes the weariness feelings of being burned out within her, that she would give herself grace to rest and see where God is waiting to restore her joy and fill her with new water. Pray for spaces of rest and quiet, to refocus her heart and soul on the Lord and on what He has for her, not just what she feels she has to give, but the things she can receive.

Pray for H to have wisdom and discernment as she navigates the conflicts and disagreements between the staff in the home she oversees. Pray for understanding and compassion to rise to the front of the relationships among the staff, for there to be kindness and acceptance. Ask for a spirit of truth and mercy to fill the rooms and conversations wherever the people are, that the presence of the Lord would be tangible and would lead towards holiness and good.


Tuesday, April 16

Pray for the Connection Crew as they begin the trip home. Pray for smooth flights, good timing between connections, and rest as they travel. Pray for time to continue processing the retreat together and with the Lord. Ask that the things they experienced and witnessed will be held close to their hearts, that they would give glory to God and know that He is good.

Pray for D and her family as they look ahead to the changes in their family as their daughter prepares to graduate High School and leave for college this year. Pray for peace as they make decisions and prepare for the transitions to come. Ask that these last few months they have together will be filled with happiness, hope, and excitement for what is to come, even as they treasure their time together.

Pray for L and her family as they prepare to move back to the US permanently this summer. Ask for wisdom and grace as they navigate packing and selling all of their things in-country, as well as saying goodbye to the culture, place, and relationships they have known over the past many years. Pray for their three boys as they prepare to leave the country and home they have known and grown up in.

Pray for J and her family as they adjust to a new normal with their 3-year-old son, who has new dietary allergies and restrictions. Ask that as they give thanks for answers and a new direction, they would also continue to seek the Lord for guidance and wisdom in navigating these things well. Pray for continued healing for him, as well as patience, kindness, and love for one another.


Wednesday, April 17

Pray for K as she is involved in figuring out whether and where to begin planting three separate churches this year. Ask for wisdom and guidance as they seek the Lord’s leading and timing, that there would be an increase in faith and trust as they listen to His voice and follow His leading. Pray she would be sensitive to the Holy Spirit and would know peace of heart and mind as she figures out what responsibilities and roles she will step into.

Pray for N and the new school that is currently being started. Pray for her as she manages new responsibilities and relationships that come with this new beginning. Ask for wisdom in decisions she is a part of making, for peace and clarity as they move forward with providing not only a place of education but a place of rest and peace for those they will be serving.

Pray for A and her family as they move back to Canada and go through the transition and adjustment phases. Pray specifically for their son who has behavioral and emotional needs and will need unique support, especially during this transition. Ask for a good community of people to come alongside them, for the resources and daily needs to be provided as they ask and wait on the Lord’s provision.


Thursday, April 18

Pray for R as she struggles with anxiety, that she would be able to find rest and peace for her heart and mind in the presence of Jesus. Ask for hope and trust as she looks ahead to what is yet to come, that she would know God’s presence with and for her. Pray for faith to increase in her, to trust God with all of the unknowns and uncertainties in her life.

Pray for K and her family as they continue to transition and make adjustments to living back in South America after spending time in the US, with getting used to being in a smaller space to live in, among many other things. Pray for comfort, peace, and a smooth season as they each get used to living in a different space and culture, that they would be gracious and compassionate with one another. Ask for peace and direction for their ministry team, which has also undergone some significant changes over the past year.

Pray for J to have wisdom and clarity as she struggles with anxiety and depression. Pray for God to lay protection and peace over her heart, mind, and body, that she would know His presence and power very specifically in this season. Ask for healing and hope in her heart and mind for herself, even as she focuses on her family and her desire for them to know the Lord, that she would remember that her health and well-being is just as important.


Friday, April 19

Pray for K as she waits on the Lord to reveal the next steps for her, as she plans to travel to Africa, that she would trust God’s timing and know His provision in each area of this journey. Pray for peace and excitement as she waits and looks ahead to what is yet to come. Ask for safety, protection, and provision over her.

Pray for C and the travels she is in the midst of, that she would know peace and safety in every step of this trip. Ask for provision and good health as she is away from home. Pray that she would trust the Lord with all the details of the things she is leaving behind, as well as the details of the things at hand and in the present. Pray she would enjoy her time and would see the fruit of the work that God has set before her.

Pray for S and her family as they continue to adjust and transition after being on an unexpected, lengthy home stay. Pray for a spirit of calm and peace to cover them as they restart ministries and jump back into relationships, that they would give themselves space and grace to figure out the new routines. Ask for wisdom and leading as they consider new ministries, that they would wait on the Lord and trust His timing.


Saturday, April 20

Pray for all the women who attended and volunteered as they get back into the rhythms and routines of life, family, ministry, and jobs. Pray that the things they experienced, encountered, and witnessed that were from the Lord would be cemented in their hearts, minds, and spirits. Pray they would see fruit from the words spoken to and over them and by them, and would see the work of their hands bringing continuous glory to God. Ask for protection and peace over each woman as they step out in boldness and obedience to the Lord.

Pray for the upcoming Haven Retreats and Adventures planned for this year, that God would be preparing the way for the women who will volunteer and for the women who will attend; for finances, time off, and every single detail and provision to fall in place and be made known in God’s perfect timing. Pray for the Retreat Managers and staff who will be planning and overseeing these things this year, for focus, intentionality, humility, and a desire to see God’s will be done in all things. Ask for grace, hope, and joy for these women.

Pray for the Staff and Board of Directors of Azmera, that they would be united in heart and purpose throughout this year as they seek to serve women and glorify God. Pray for a spirit of humility and surrender as God leads and directs them in new areas and asks new and challenging things of them. Ask for wisdom, discernment, trust, and a willingness to lay down plans and expectations as they follow where God leads.


Sunday, April 21

Finally, as always - thank you for being here with us these last two weeks. I hope that you have encountered God and heard His voice and leading as you have spent time in praying for the women who met in Bolivia, that you were encouraged and drawn closer to His heart through the time you spent with Him. As we head into the summer season, may you know the fullness of the riches of God, of His enduring and holy love for you. May you see Jesus all around you every day, in the beauty of nature around you and in the words, love, and laughter of those you encounter. May you know you are beloved and called by His name, and may the knowledge of who and whose you are change everything for you.




Azmera BOLIVIA Haven Retreat 2024 | Prayer Calendar (April 7- 13)