Azmera BOLIVIA Haven Retreat 2024 | Prayer Calendar (April 7- 13)


Azmera is headed to Bolivia for a Haven Retreat this week! We would love to invite you to pray with us for each woman attending, as well as for each woman who is going to volunteer as part of the Connection Crew. Please take time to listen to the Lord and allow Him to lead you as you pray, trusting that He knows who you need to pray for and why. We hope the time you spend with Him in prayer this week is life-giving and holy for you. Thanks for being here!


Sunday, April 7

Pray for the Connection Crew as they make their way to Bolivia today. Pray for health, safety, and smooth travels. Ask that God would bring this group of women together in a unique way, to be united in heart and mind as they prepare to spend the next ten or so days together. Pray for focused hearts and minds, for each woman to be present in each day, even as there will be things they left behind that will call for their attention, that they would be able to entrust the Lord to hold those things for them for this time.

Pray for J as she and her family as they get ready for a season of transition with her son finishing high school and the family deciding whether to stay where they are or take time to go with him and help him get settled. Pray for their daughter as she is in school part-time after homeschooling for several years, and for J as she balances the emotions of this season along with being both parent and teacher to her daughter. Ask for grace, wisdom, and happiness over each member of this family as they navigate the changes.

Pray for R as she struggles with burnout and weariness. Ask that she would recognize the Lord as He meets her where she is, that she would know His voice and tenderness as He takes the dry, tired, and empty places in her heart and mind and fills them with new life and fresh water. Pray she would give herself space and grace to be in the midst of these things, even while knowing they will only remain for a time and that new focus, perception, and emotions are yet to come.


Monday, April 8

Pray for the hotel staff, workers, and others local to the area who will come in contact with the women of this Haven Retreat. Pray that the word of the Lord will be made known through actions and the tangible love of Jesus through the women at this retreat. Pray for hope and new life to abound during this time.

Pray for K and her family, for overall health and wellness of body, mind, and spirit. Ask for peace over her heart and mind as she trusts and entrusts God with her family, for any fear and anxiety to be subdued in the name of Jesus. Pray for the time she spends with the Lord to fill her with peace that God is good and will provide for her and her family as He knows they need.

Pray for B to receive the truth that she is a beautiful fragrance to the Lord; that He sees her and is pleased with her and delights in her simply because of who she is. Pray that she would see and hear His voice, and would begin to trust the things that He says to her, as He speaks words of truth, life, and love to her and over her. Ask that she would begin to walk in confidence and boldness as she keeps her eyes on Jesus and follows as He leads.

Pray for G as she seeks a healthy balance of being a mom to a 15yo girl and running a foundation and all the responsibility and stress that come with both. Ask for wisdom and discernment in where she is spending her time and for courage and boldness in prioritizing her family and the time she spends with them. Pray for a solid group of people to surround, support, and encourage her.


Tuesday, April 9

Pray for K as she looks forward to the time of rest, renewal, and reset the Haven Retreat will offer. Pray she would make space in her mind and heart to encounter the Lord, hear His voice, and be open to receiving the good words of life and truth He is holding for her. Ask for a soft heart and open mind for the beautiful things God has in store for her during her time away.

Pray for O as she prepares to spend time at this Haven Retreat, that she would be able to set aside the ministry, responsibilities, and jobs that she is involved in for the time she is away. Ask for peace over her heart and mind as she steps away from her routines for a few days, for the time she is gone to be fulfilling and life-giving. Pray that as she encounters the Lord she will know truth and rest for her soul.

Pray for J and her husband as they walk through intense marriage counseling together. Pray for wisdom, clarity, understanding, and grace for themselves and one another. Ask that they would seek the Lord first in all things, and would trust His leading as He invites them into new areas of faith and trust, that they would know His presence and voice and would begin to see where and how He is making all things new.

Pray for S and her husband and their desire for wisdom in parenting their teenage daughters. Pray for their family dynamics and all the moods and emotions that shift and change on a daily basis in their household, that they would be sensitive and kind towards one another. Ask for understanding and discernment in conversations they have and in the boundaries and direction they put in place for their daughters.


Wednesday, April 10

Pray for the Connection Crew as they continue to get to know one another as they prepare for the Haven Retreat. Pray for a covering of peace and protection over them as they spend time worshiping and praying together, that there would be a unique sense of the presence of the Holy Spirit among them. Pray that they would have fun together, even as they enter holy moments and spaces.

Pray for Christina as she leads this retreat, for a soft heart and open mind to what the Lord has in store. Pray she would be willing to lay down her expectations and plans and give room for God to direct this Haven Retreat as He desires. Pray for rest and health over her.

Pray for Kari as she manages and coordinates this retreat from afar, that she would encounter God in holy and specific ways as she is stretched and challenged in new ways over the course of this retreat. Pray that she would know how beloved she is.


Thursday, April 11

The Bolivia Haven Retreat begins today! Pray for each woman as she arrives at the hotel, that she would know the space that has been prepared for her is sanctified, safe, and holy. Ask that each woman would know she is welcomed and wanted, and is being prayed for very specifically during this time. Pray for light and laughter to fill the spaces where the women gather.

Pray for protection over each room that will be used and occupied by the women at this retreat, that the presence of the Lord will permeate each corner and square foot. Pray for the atmosphere to shift as the women gather in His name.

Pray for Betsy as she teaches and shares her life and experiences with the women. Ask that she would lean in towards the Lord’s voice, and would be bold in sharing the things He places in her heart. Pray for her as she spends time with God, for her to be filled each day with rest, new perspective, and hope for the things she will witness Him do.

Pray for Jamie as she leads the women into God’s presence through music and worship. Pray that she would be sensitive to the voice of the Lord, that she would be obedient to speak up or step back as He leads. Ask that as she leads she will encounter God and will know His glory and magnificence and will walk away renewed and changed.


Friday, April 12

Pray for the first full day of the Haven Retreat, that as the women gather to worship, learn, and share with one another there would be a spirit of safety and holiness. Pray for boldness and vulnerability in sharing, and for words to be spoken and received with love and understanding. Ask for moments of truth and grace to be abundant.

Pray for Nan and Ann as they spend time counseling women on-on-one, that they would both listen intently to the voice of the Lord and would share the things He gives them with humility, grace, and compassion. Pray for truth and hope to be given new ground to grow in, for abundant life to spring forth from the conversations and times of prayer these women will share.

Pray for Patti, Sarah, Rosslyn, and Anita as they serve through the practical gift of giving pedicures and spending moments of prayer with the women attending. Ask that each of these women will rest well and be prepared for what each day will bring, that they will be filled with anticipation and excitement for what each day holds. Ask that there would be a unique sense of camaraderie and friendship as they serve together this week.

Pray for Elizabeth as she oversees the breakout sessions and makes space for the women to connect and be reminded of important things the women may have set aside. Pray that the time the women spend together in these sessions will be life-giving and provide space for hope to grow. Pray she will be focused and intent on what the Lord speaks through her, that she will remain rooted in Him.


Saturday, April 13

Pray for the Haven Retreat today, as the women continue to gather, to share and learn from one another. Ask for a continued spirit of authenticity and freedom to share hard things, to be received well, and to know love and grace beyond measure. Pray for the Connection Crew as they facilitate conversations and make space for truth and holiness to be made known, that they would be rested and energized for each day. Ask for a new sensitivity to the Holy Spirit as they wait on His leading and trust Him as He calls them into new areas of obedience and faith.

Pray for Laura as she spends time with women who are looking for Spiritual Direction, that those who enter conversation with her would know the voice of the Lord through her. Pray for protection and safety over the room she meets in, that God would have full reign over the spaces used, for truth and guidance to be shared freely and with the power of the Holy Spirit. Ask that she would be in tune with the Lord and would trust Him with the words of her mouth.

Pray for Amy Beth and Brittany as they facilitate the create stations and the environment in the room used. Ask that they would work well as a team; that they would encourage each other and give room for ideas and be free to try new things together. Pray that the women who enter this space will encounter the Lord through the activities and tools provided, that they would have fun and know they are delighted in.

Pray for Kristen as she ministers through the practical gift of giving haircuts and styling the women’s hair. Ask for God to bless the work of her hands, and the words of her mouth would be filled with truth and love and would be pleasing to Him as well as to the women who hear. Pray for her to speak in boldness and compassion as she leans into the voice of the Lord and speaks out as He leads.


Azmera BOLIVIA Haven Retreat 2024 | Prayer Calendar (April 14-21)


Azmera TANZANIA Haven Retreat 2024 | Prayer Calendar (February 26-March 2)