Azmera CYPRUS Haven Retreat 2024 | Prayer Calendar (November 7-November 12)

Greetings, once again!

Thank you for being here for one more set of prayers for the women who attended the Malt and Cyprus Haven Retreats! We appreciate the time and intentionality of your prayers and hope you continue to be encouraged as you spend time with the Lord and allow Him to lead your prayers and minister to your own heart.

Thursday, November 7

Pray for R to be given complete healing over her Achilles tendon, for pain to be gone and for restoration to be complete. Ask for trust and confidence in the Lord’s timing as she desires to see the fruit of the work she is doing, amidst war and uncertainty all around her. Pray for provision and an awareness of the goodness of God in every situation and circumstance.

Pray for N as she desires to connect with more Christians around her, for the community and support she is longing for. Ask that God would bring His people into her life to walk alongside her, to encourage her and continually point her towards Him. Pray specifically for a mentor for her, to share wisdom, give guidance and to cheer her on.

Pray for J as she works with Dementia clients and is witness to the neglect, lack of care, and resources for this part of the population. Pray for renewed energy, boldness in speaking up and advocating for her clients, and to be a part of the change in the system she works within. Aks that there would be an increase of people to work alongside her who have faith and the same amount of care and compassion for these people that she does, that she would find support and encouragement with them.

Pray for A as she walks the road of counseling, looking and moving towards healing and wholeness in her own life, as she longs for spiritual, mental, and emotional health and wellness. Ask that she would give herself grace to process past events and relationships and that she would trust the Lord and her counselor as long-held beliefs and untruths are uprooted and exposed. Pray she would trust the process and herself as she makes room in herself for abundant life and the truth of who she is and who God is to transform her mind and change her in holy and wonderful ways.

Pray for A as she works through and processes the years she spent in a spiritually abusive community. Pray that she would see where God is at work right now and where the spaces are that He is inviting her into for continued clarity and healing. Ask for grace, protection, and peace over her as she works through these things from her past.


Friday, November 8

Pray for E to know and receive how beloved she is, not only to the Lord but also to her family, friends and community. Ask that she would grow in confidence and grace as she steps more fully into who she has been created and called to be. Pray for continued healing and hope for her as she settles into this season of truth, beauty and growth.

Pray for L as she longs to see an end to the war in Israel, and for healing and peace to come to this region in the name of Jesus. Pray for her health, both physically and mentally as she faces the challenges and struggles of chronic migraines and a weakened immune system. Ask for healing and relief from the pain.

Pray for R as she enters a new level of depth and trust in her relationship with God, that she would walk and speak in faith and boldness as she comes to new understandings of who God is and of the power He has given her. Ask for protection over her words and actions as she shares the tangible love of Jesus with those around her, that as people interact with her they will sense the Holy Spirit with her and will be invited into spaces of safety and freedom.

Pray for E to continue to trust the Lord to watch over and protect her children as they are immersed in the secular world around them; pray they would have a true sense of who God is and of who they are in Him. Ask for protection and direction for her marriage and relationship with her husband, that they would seek to put one another first and make time and space for their marriage in the busyness of life, jobs, and ministries.

Pray for K as she continues to learn to be flexible and go with the flow with the upheaval and unrest in Israel. Pray for peace and hope as her plans are disrupted and changed in what feels like a continual basis. Ask that she would be encouraged and have hope, that she would witness the movement of the Lord all around her.


Saturday, November 9

Pray for N as she encourages and supports her daughter from far away, and as her daughter transitions and adjusts to being in college and away from her family. Ask for peace over both of their hearts and minds as they get used to this new shift in their relationship, as well as the new things they are learning and experiencing apart from one another. Pray for good relationships, community and support for both of them.

Pray for E and her desire for clarity and direction in the midst of this busy season. Pray she would make time to be still and listen for God’s voice, that she would know peace in the decisions she makes. Ask that as she prioritizes her time she would be filled with energy and anticipation for the things going on in her life and that she would be intentional about the time she spends with the Lord as she longs for deeper intimacy and relationship with Him.

Pray for I to be reminded of the faithfulness of God to her, as she looks back over the past few months and sees where and how He has provided and been with her. Pray that her trust and faith in Him would grow, that she would ask in boldness and walk in confidence as He leads her. Ask that she would not be anxious for anything, but would delight to trust in His timing and goodness to her.

Pray for L to trust God’s timing and provision, both in her own life and in the world around her as it is at war. Ask that she would see clearly where God is at work, would hear His voice as He invites her into new areas of ministry and life, and would step forward in boldness and faith. Pray for her heart and mind to be encouraged and for her to know rest and peace.

Pray for NL to experience healing and rest from the hard work she has put in as a humanitarian worker. Pray that she would be able to release any of the burdens, images and things heard to the Lord, recognizing they are no longer hers to carry. Ask for patience, grace and kindness as she interacts with those she serves as well as those she works alongside.


Sunday, November 10

Pray for S to know the deep healing and life from making time to spend with the Lord, to allow Him to restore her heart, spirit, and mind, and to give her a new strength in her daily walk. Ask for her to see the value of intentionally making time to sit with Jesus, for her to know rest and contentment come from listening to His voice and knowing His presence with her. Pray she would see the fruit of the time she spends with the Lord in her relationships, job, and mindset.

Pray for L to have deeper wisdom, understanding and compassion with those she works with. Pray she would make space for people to come to her as they need to, and to be gentle and kind with her words. Ask for wisdom and discernment in creating healthy boundaries for herself with balance work and ministry with family and friendships.

Pray for G to walk in hope and with a fresh perspective after the time she spent at the Haven Retreat. Aks that the things she learned, heard, and received would stay rooted in her heart and mind and would be a continual source of encouragement and reminder to stay the course, to know God is faithful, and to see His hand at work around her. Pray she would have a new boldness and confidence in God with her and in who He has created her to be.

Pray for M to have a new outlook of expectation and hope for what God is doing in her life and through her in the lives of those around her. Pray for peace and confidence to share the love of Jesus in tangible ways with her neighbors and friends so that they would see the Holy Spirit in her and would be drawn to the Lord because of her grace and compassion. Ask that she would see the fruit of the work of her hands as she continually trusts God to provide for and to be with her in all things.

Pray for N to know the power of the power of the Lord through His healing and provision in restoration of broken family relationships. Ask that she would be able to see clearly where God is at work and how He is with her and for her in the midst of these hard things, that she would have faith in His goodness and timing. Pray for a strengthening of her relationship with her Mom as they minister together and walk through this season of life alongside one another.

Monday, November 11

Pray for Y’s family to connect with one another in healthy ways, to be kind and compassionate with each other, and to give and receive grace freely. Pray she would be sensitive to the voice and leading of the Holy Spirit, to be obedient to speak in boldness and love.

Pray for N to know the faithfulness and provision of God, that she would be able to see where He has been at work and how He has provided. Ask that she would have an increased faith and trust in Him and would be intent on listening to His voice and following as He leads. Pray for grace and protection over her.

Pray for E as she looks for ways to minister, encourage, and serve those around her during the challenges and stresses of the war in Israel. Pray she would be sensitive and open to the voice and leading of the Holy Spirit, that she would act and speak in obedience and boldness. Ask for strength and encouragement in her own heart and life, as there is much weariness and discouragement as the war continues on.

 Pray for W as she looks for ways to be used by God in tangible ways in the lives of those around her. Pray she would have an open heart, eyes, and ears to the needs of those she interacts with, and that people would know her to be generous and compassionate, full of love and kindness. Ask that God would bless the work of her hands and that as she sees the fruit of her work she would be encouraged and would walk with an increased faith and boldness.

Pray for J for continued physical strength, health, and wellness as she gives of herself through her time, energy, and emotions. Pray she would know peace and trust in any rejections she experiences, that she would see and know God at work even through the pain and disappointment. Ask for a consistent spirit and posture of hope and expectation as she waits on the Lord and walks with Him.


Tuesday, November 12

Pray for Christina and the Board of Directors as they make plans and look ahead to the future of Azmera and the ministries they partner with. Pray for honest, kind communication with one another and a spirit of unity and humility; ask that they would be willing to listen and learn from one another, and to lay down their own agendas as the Holy Spirit leads. Ask for continued provision and leading from the Lord.

Pray for Haven Retreats planned for 2025, that as plans and preparations are made there would be intentional space given to ask for the Holy Spirit’s leading and the obedience of the follow-through. Pray for each person who will be involved in each of these retreats, for the coordinators, the volunteers, those attending, those supporting through prayer and finances, and those who will be indirectly involved as staff, drivers, and workers in each area hosting the retreats. Ask that God would go ahead of each of these retreats and prepare places and hearts to encounter Him, that His glory will be revealed and people will know Him deeper.

Finally - THANK YOU! For journeying with us these past several weeks in praying for the Malta and Cyprus Haven Retreats. Thank you for your support and partnership with us through prayer, we know the time you’ve spent praying has been a blessing for each woman you prayed for, and we hope it was a blessing for you as well.

As you spend time with family and friends may you know the fullness of the riches of God’s presence and power in your life. May you see God at work in and around you through the busyness of this season, and may you know His delight in you as you give of your time and energy to those you interact with. May you be intentional with the time you spend with others and may that time fill you up and bring light and joy to your hearts and minds. May you walk in the truth of who Jesus is, and may you be filled with a new awe and wonder at the mercy and goodness of God. 

~ suzanna


Azmera VIETNAM 2025 | Prayer Calendar (February 7 - 13)


Azmera CYPRUS Haven Retreat 2024 | Prayer Calendar (October 31-November 6)