Azmera GREECE Haven Retreat 2023 | Prayer Calendar (October 18-24)

Hello, Dear Friends.

We are preparing for two Haven Retreats: a Haven Retreat in Greece from October 26-29, and a Haven Retreat in Egypt from November 2-5. We are trusting God as we move forward with our plans, especially with the state of war that is happening in Israel at this time. Would you pray with us for wisdom and discernment in the best course of action? For leadership to listen and act as the Lord leads, however, He should lead? We’d sure appreciate that. 

Otherwise, here is a new prayer calendar for a new season of Haven Retreats! We have quite a few women signed up to attend the Greece Retreat, so will be heavy on the prayer suggestions for each day. As always, thank you so much for giving your time to read these and to spend time praying over each woman involved in this Retreat. I encourage you to sit and listen to the Holy Spirit and allow Him to lead you as you pray for our sisters; sometimes what He has in mind isn’t what’s right in front of us, you know? As you spend time praying, may you yourself be blessed and encouraged and encounter the God of ages in a way that is unique and life-giving to your heart, mind, soul, and strength.


Wednesday, October 18

Pray for E as she continues to transition and adjust to living in Italy after being in Ireland for three years; pray for focus as she learns a new language and culture, and for grace to give herself in abundance as the adjustment continues. Ask that she would find a good community of people to support and encourage her, as she grows in her walk with the Lord.

Pray for S to be brave and courageous in moving from what she thinks people expect her to be, to a posture of authenticity and vulnerability. Pray that God would bring good people into her life that will create safe places for her to let her guard down and share the parts of herself that she usually keeps hidden. Ask for peace and protection over her as she steps into new areas of relationship and ministry as she follows Jesus’ leading in choosing to be authentic and genuine. 

Pray for L as she desires community and friendships with others who are her age and at her stage in life, as she has children and grandchildren in the U.S. and has passed the seasons of young motherhood and family. Ask that the Lord will be gracious in His provision, and will bring women into her life who will understand the season she is in and will encourage her in her ministry and relationships.

Pray for G and for protection over her and her family; pray for health and wellness for her and for each member of her family. Ask that she would trust God with her family and with all of the “what ifs” that are beyond her control. Pray for peace over and in her heart and mind.

Thursday, October 19

Pray for O as she struggles with health issues related to her thyroid; pray that God would lay His hand of healing over her body and bring into alignment everything that is not working properly and is off-balance within her. Pray for her peace of mind and heart as she has family fighting on the front lines in Ukraine, that she would seek God’s face and know His peace as she holds the worries and concerns close to her heart.

Pray for Y and the exhaustion she is experiencing, in both heart and mind and physically as well. Ask that God would give her clarity and peace in where she is and what she is doing, that she would have discernment if things need to change or she needs to shift ministry or perspective. Pray that she would make time to be still before the Lord and allow Him to refill and refresh her weary heart and soul.

Pray for H to trust God to give her times of rest and quiet, as she is worn out with the ongoing war in Ukraine and the direct effects it has on her and her family. Pray for her to see the places God is inviting her into so that He can give her rest and take the burdens from her. Ask that she would have wisdom and discernment in raising her children (youngest is 14) and balancing their needs with her own.

Pray for M as she works alone this fall, with her teammates and friends back home on furlough. Ask that God would meet here where she is in the absence of the friends, support and community she is used to. Pray that she would know confidence and peace in the areas she will be stretched and challenged, that she would be excited to step into new areas of growth in her walk with God and in her ministry.

Friday, October 20

Pray for K as she struggles with the amount of work and pressure she has been under, making this a very difficult season for her to be in. Pray that God would send others to come alongside her to ease the burden and workload, as well as to offer her encouragement, perspective, and grace. Ask that she would arm herself in the truth of who God is and who she is in Him, to choose truth and light over the fear and doubts that are spoken to her in the quiet places. Pray she would see Jesus at work in and around her and that would fill her with hope and the power of the Holy Spirit.

Pray for C as she balances being a wife and mother with team leading and overseeing various training and staffing needs. Ask that she would be aware of how her priorities are lined up and would have the wisdom and discernment to know what to step back from to make way for things that will be more important in this season. 

Pray for N as she desires to be refreshed in Scripture, that she would be able to define what that means for her and how she wants to use that time spent in the Word. Ask for God to meet her wildly and unexpectedly in the pages of the book she has spent hours in, that His word and truth would come to life for her in ways she doesn’t expect but that meet her heart right where she is. Pray that she would trust God with what the future holds and that she would be content to focus on and be present in the life she has right now.

Pray for M to have clarity and understanding of what it means to be an Adult Third Culture Kid, and for wisdom and discernment as she leads other Third Culture Kids and helps them to better understand themselves and the unique roles they have as TCK’s. Ask that as she leads and learns in this role that she would keep her eyes focused on the Lord and will allow Him to speak identity and the truth of who she in Him, apart from anything else she has done or been. Pray that she would find freedom and confidence in who she is in Jesus alone.

Saturday, October 21

Pray for L and her desire to be refreshed and renewed in the goodness of God, and by Him alone. Pray for her to see the opportunities God is inviting her to, that she would step with faith and boldness into areas she may be unsure about but that she would be sure of who God is and know that what He has for her is good. Ask that as He refreshes and renews her spirit and heart she would be filled with hope and anticipation for the good things He has yet to bestow.

Pray for M as she desires to speak English with confidence, especially with those who are older than she is. Ask that she would give herself grace and that she will be met with love and kindness in every conversation and interaction she has, specifically where English is being spoken. Pray that as she speaks she would do so with peace and wisdom, and that God would bless and use the relationships that she is building through this practice. Pray that she would know joy and be filled with light and laughter.

Pray for L as she desires security and resources for those in the midst of the war in Ukraine. Pray that God will give her wisdom and leading in how best to use the resources He’s given her to come alongside those in need, to offer not only comfort and compassion but tangible ways to meet people where they’re at. Ask that God would move in power in her life and in the lives of those around her to provide healing, peace, and hope.

Pray for C and the health issues that have risen up this year, for the toll that it has taken on her physically, mentally, and emotionally. Ask that God would bring healing and wholeness over her body, that He would speak peace and calm over her mind, and that He would soothe and bring rest to her emotions. Pray for people in her life to come alongside her to be encouragement, offer refreshment in tangible ways, and to point her towards Jesus and truth when she needs it the most. Ask that she would be reminded again and again of how loved she is and of how much good God has for her.

Sunday, October 22 

Pray for our Connection Crew as they begin their trip to Greece! Pray for safety in traveling, for smooth flights and connections, and for as much rest as possible on all the legs of the journey. Pray for each woman as they step away from jobs, families, and responsibilities to focus on serving the woman who will be attending the Haven Retreat. Ask that this specific team of women will connect with one another, that there would be a great measure of kindness, laughter, and unity as they work together in different settings and with different perspectives and backgrounds.

Pray for the Hotel Staff and Service Workers who will come in contact with the women of this retreat, that they will sense a shift in the atmosphere as the Holy Spirit fills each room and space that the women will occupy. Pray for good communication, favor, and grace as things will arise and unexpected situations will come up. Pray that every person who encounters any of the women involved with Azmera will be met with grace, compassion, and love, and will see Jesus because of it.

Pray for A as she wraps up and reflects on the busyness of the summer and all the activities, travel, and meetings of early Fall. Pray that she would make time to sit and rest and reflect in the Lord’s presence, that she would know that He is waiting to meet with her to continue to speak truth and love to her. Ask that God would have a special place prepared for her at the Haven Retreat, that she would encounter Him and know His love and goodness as she never has before. 

Monday, October 23

Because of the circumstances currently happening in Israel and the Gaza Strip right now, we anticipate that most of the women who had registered to attend either the Greece or Egypt Haven Retreats who would have been coming from Israel and the surrounding areas will no longer be able to attend. These are some of the women who live in those areas, so we ask special prayers of protection, peace, trust, and faith as their lives are disrupted. Pray for peace over hearts and minds, for families that have been split up to trust God, for fear to be entrusted to the Lord, and for Jesus to come in power and make things new and right.

Pray for A and her family’s small business as the cost of growing pains is expensive, that God will be abundant and timely in His provision, that they will trust Him wholeheartedly, and that they will see His hand at work in all of the unknown-to-them. Pray also for protection and peace over their family and business as they navigate running a business in the midst of the upheaval and chaos in Israel at this time.

Pray for M and the responsibility she has of co-managing a shelter for homeless women. Pray that she would have wisdom and discernment as she meets with women who need spiritual guidance and clarity in next steps. Ask that she would make space to listen and be present with each woman that she meets with, and that she would have an increase in sensitivity to the women and to the Holy Spirit’s voice and leading.

Pray for D as she learns how to balance new motherhood with also leading a new ministry. Pray that she would find time to rest and connect with the Lord in these new phases of life, and in those moments of rest, she would be filled with peace, hope, and joy in the things that are and the things that are yet to come. 

Tuesday, October 24

*Continued prayers for the women in/around Israel

Pray for L and her family’s ministry to those around them, as they lead people in worship and share the truth of who God is through music. Ask that the Lord would bless the work of their hands and the words of their mouths, especially is there is so much upheaval, sorrow, and unknown around them. Ask that God would be their confidence, their hope, and joy when the night is long and dark and fear is tangible. Pray that they would see God move in power and authority as they worship Him in the midst of the turmoil around them.

Pray for R and her concern for her husband’s health, as they move forward with his recovery from cancer and the surgeries, radiation, and chemotherapy he underwent. Pray that God would continue to pour out healing and health over both of them and would give peace and rest to their hearts and minds. Ask that this time she will have at the Haven Retreat will be life-giving, restful, and that she will be encouraged and encounter Jesus in a way that will be precious and holy only for her.

Pray for G and her husband as they continue to adjust to living in a new apartment and town. Ask that the friendships they’ve made – both through Bible study and otherwise -  will be life-giving and safe for them during this time. Pray for protection over them, and for them to have wisdom and discernment in how to meet the needs of those around them even as they figure out what is the best and safest course of action for themselves. Ask that they would know the presence and power of God with them in powerful and holy ways. 

Pray for D as they wait to hear about her husband’s citizenship request, especially as things in Israel have come to a stop. Pray for patience, trust, and the wisdom to keep their eyes focused on the Lord in the midst of so many great fears and unknowns. Ask that God would be their confidence and peace and that they would know His presence and protection in big ways and small. Pray for hope and faith in greater measure as they look to Him to be their provision.


Azmera GREECE Haven Retreat 2023 | Prayer Calendar (October 25-31)