Azmera GREECE Haven Retreat 2023 | Prayer Calendar (October 25-31)

Friends! Greetings!

My sincerest apologies that this is coming in later than I wanted, life gets crazy, you know? Thank you for being here, we appreciate you so very much. Our Greece Haven Retreat starts this week, maybe even as you’re reading this! We are excited to pray for this retreat and every woman participating, and this retreat has a lot of women attending! So you will find the prayer suggestions a bit heavy on the numbers going forward, so as always please allow the Holy Spirit to lead you as you pray, and do not feel obligated to pray for every single one; He knows who you need to pray for and why. As you spend time praying this week my prayer for you is that you will encounter Jesus in unexpected and beautiful ways, and will be reminded of who you are in Him and to Him. May you be encouraged and blessed and filled with hope. ~suzanna

Wednesday, October 25

Pray for The Connection Crew as they spend time team building and getting things in order for the Retreat. Pray that there would be unity, compassion, and kindness among this specific group of women as they come together to serve and encourage the women attending, as well as to meet one another where they’re at. Ask that as things come up and there are bumps in the road, that they would be understanding and gracious towards one another and with the situations themselves.

Pray for S as she has mounting frustrations and irritability with her organization and coworkers, as there has recently been more chaos than not. Ask that as she manages her feelings and tasks with things as they have been with the disruption of everything that she gives herself grace. Pray that she would turn her face towards the Lord and know His love and goodness for her.

Pray for S as she desires to step out in faith and watch God provide. Pray that she would be bold in her asking and that God would go above and beyond in what, how, and when He gives to her. Ask that in this season she keeps a tender heart and would walk with a new level of trust and love for God.

Pray for A as she navigates the last few years of parenting and homeschooling teens, for wisdom and discernment as she continues to lead them towards finishing well. Ask for grace, understanding, and compassion to cover their home and relationships. Pray that as she looks ahead and begins exploring options for what to do when her kids leave the nest that she would do so with hope and an adventurous heart and would not let things hold her back from trying new and different things.

Pray for M and her husband as they continue with the rhythms and routines of the Fall season, as they rest from the busyness of summer and look ahead towards the Holidays and a change of pace. Pray that they would both make time to rest and refocus, that they would lead their team well, and would make one another a priority amidst the challenges of life and ministry.

Pray for B as she steps away from her family and ministry and gives herself space to rest and reconnect with the Lord. Ask that she would be encouraged in the work she is doing, and would see how God’s word and work and presence are seen and known in dark places. 

Thursday, October 26 – Retreat Starts

The Haven Retreat Starts Today! Pray for the Connection Crew as they welcome the women in, that their first interactions will be filled with warmth and caring, that each woman who arrives will sense a shift in the atmosphere for her - a sense of safety, love, and the knowledge that she is seen and loved. 

Pray for Christina and Kari as they lead and manage this Haven Retreat, that they will both be rested and refreshed each day, that they will be sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s voice and leading, that they will communicate and listen well, and that they will lay aside their own expectations and allow Jesus to lead.

Pray for Peg and Joy as they prepare and spend time leading the women with their gifts of teaching (Peg) and worship (Joy). Thank God for the way He has gifted these women and ask that they be filled to the fullness with humility and a longing to see God glorified and known. Pray for these women to be protected by the power of the Name of Jesus as they speak and lead in boldness and love.

Pray for D and her husband as they need a place of rest, to rest. Ask that the Lord would be gracious and abundant in His provision for them, as He knows the deepest needs of their hearts and bodies. Pray that as they enter into places of rest they would encounter Jesus and would find and know peace for their hearts, minds, and souls.

Pray for Y and her desire for peace between Russia and other countries, ask the Lord to continue to move in power, and to bring healing, peace, and hope, especially to those involved in and directly affected by the war between Ukraine and Russia. Pray for God to give her wisdom and understanding as she stands in the gap for those around her, that she would be sensitive to the needs of others and to the voice and leading of the Holy Spirit. 

Friday, October 27

Pray for the Haven Retreat on its first full day. Pray that the time the women spend in worship, teaching, and discussion will be full of goodness, truth, and vulnerability. Pray for the Connection Crew as they create safe spaces for authenticity, tears, and life. Ask that the Holy Spirit be present in every conversation and that the rooms and spaces the women gather would be consecrated as holy.

Pray for Crystal as she gives of her time through Spiritual Direction and Pilates and simply being present with each woman she interacts with. Pray for protection and healing over her mind and body, and for her heart and spirit to be in tune with Jesus. 

Pray for Veronica and Mary Jane as they make themselves available for Healing Prayer to those who desire it. Pray that each of these women will speak in boldness, truth, and faith and that only the words from their mouths that are sanctified by the Lord will be heard by those they pray with.

Pray for Nan, Dina, and Kerri as they counsel women one-on-one. Ask that each of these women be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit, and an increased sensitivity to His voice and leading, trusting Him with every word they speak. Pray that their rooms will be covered with His protection and presence.

Pray for H as she looks forward to spending time at this retreat with her mom, for the time they spend together to be fun and life-giving and full of truth and goodness. Ask God to give her and her mom and covering of protection and peace as they spend time with one another and with the Lord, and as they spend time with other women. Pray that she would encounter God in a way that she has never known, that it would be everything good and holy and unexpected.

Pray for L as she desires to be whole and well mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally. Pray that she would have clarity in knowing what things are positively or negatively affecting her and wisdom and discernment in setting healthy boundaries. Ask that God would bring good people into her life to encourage her and point her towards wholeness and truth, and to sit with her in comfort and presence in the darkness.

Saturday, October 28

Pray for Day Two of the Haven Retreat, as the women have gotten to know one another that they will feel more comfortable to share more deeply and authentically in the safe spaces that have been created. Pray for the times of worship and teaching and fellowship to be filled with the presence of the Lord in such a way that each woman will encounter Jesus in holy and unexpected ways.

Pray for Chantay and Keitha as they serve the women through the gift of massage. Pray that each woman they minister to will feel loved and cared for and will see Jesus through their interactions. Ask that these women will serve in boldness and faith, and will give the Lord any fears or hesitations they may feel as He invites them into new areas of faith and obedience.

Pray for Tary as she oversees the Create Station, that she will be confident in her gifts and abilities to make the space welcoming and fun. Pray for her as she walks in new ways of faith with the Lord and trusts Him to use what she brings to Him. Ask that she would be able to see the fruit of her work on this retreat.

Pray for Brenda, Ashley, Lisa, Lynn, Rosslyn, and Kate as they minister through the tangible gift of giving pedicures and prayer. Ask that each of these women will be filled with joy and excitement to serve in this way, that they would be humble and compassionate as they meet with each woman they sit with. Pray that God would fill the pedicure room with His presence, power, and holiness.

Pray for S as she looks to the Lord to be her provision personally and spiritually. Pray that she would be given clarity and understanding as to what that looks like in her life and heart, that she would listen to His voice as He speaks truth to her and invites her into new areas of faith and life. Ask for His protection over her as she walks in faith and trust.

 Pray for E, her husband and son as they each continue to deal with the aftermath of a terrible road accident almost a year ago; pray for complete healing and wholeness in her son’s leg. Ask for a good support system and community to continue to be alongside them as they walk towards healing and give their fears to the Lord. Pray for joy and peace to be their song, that they would choose to walk in freedom in Jesus.

Sunday, October 29

Pray for the Greece Haven Retreat as it ends and the women begin their journeys home. Ask that the last few hours spent together will be filled with joy and hope, that the things they’ve learned, experienced and have been reminded of will settle deeply and securely in their hearts and minds. Pray for the glory of the Lord to be present and visible.

Pray for the Connection Crew as they wind down their time serving and their time together, that they each would find moments to rest and process the past week. Ask that as they debrief together there would be laughter and joy and moments of awe as they share what they have seen God do. Pray for wisdom and sensitivity for those leading to meet this team where they’re at and to give space to each woman when and how she needs it.

Pray for the Egypt Connection Crew as they land in Egypt and make their way towards Sharm El-Sheikh, after already long hours of travel and connections. Pray for continued protection and rest over each woman, for smooth flights and no lost luggage or problems with travel. Ask God to unify this team, especially if there are some coming from Greece, in a way that is unique and holy and beautiful for this time alone. Pray that as each woman arrives in Egypt she will be given a clear sense that God has something unique and profound in store for her alone, and will be on the lookout for what and where God will reveal it. Pray for rest and a quick adjustment to the time and culture change.

Pray for J and her husband to have clarity, patience, and perseverance as she and her husband study and learn German, that they would be persistent in learning but also cut themselves and one another some slack when they sense they just need a break. Pray that as she parents her kids and helps them make decisions about what comes next after High School. Ask that they would each have wisdom and discernment as they explore options and ask for input from family and friends, that they would listen and make their decisions based on truth and to follow their own hearts desires and dreams. 

Pray for J and her team as they continue to disciple and follow up with young people they met during the summer programs and outreaches they put on. Ask for wisdom as they look for new ways to connect and meet people where they are, that they would be patient in waiting for leading and direction from the Lord. Pray that she would be encouraged and know that God is at work even in the places she can’t see.

Pray for M and her family, especially her four kids, as they transition to living in a new place and adjust to new routines, faces, and layout of the area. Ask that she would be patient and understanding with herself and her family as they each adjust at different rates and in different ways; ask that their household and family would be full of grace and compassion for one another. Pray for open eyes and hearts to see and welcome new opportunities and relationships that a move provides.

Monday, October 30

Pray for K as she faces the challenges of being on a staff of three at their church plant, alongside starting an inner healing prayer ministry and learning what that means as she trains for it. Ask that she would make time and space to sit and rest quietly, for the wisdom and discernment to know what rest looks like for her. Pray that she would learn in new ways what the voice of the Lord sounds like, and that as she does so she would walk in obedience and confidence as He leads her. Ask that God would be abundant in financial provision for her and that she would trust Him to provide for her needs as the need arises.

Pray for N to have an increased sensitivity to the voice of and awareness of the presence of the Holy Spirit as she interacts with both children and adults in the ministry she has. Pray that she will walk and speak in boldness and faith as she follows the leading of the Lord. Ask that she would trust God to bless the work of her hands and to find rest for her soul as she steps away from the responsibilities to attend the Haven Retreat.

Pray for D as she leads and serves the women in positions of leadership in her church, that she would be gracious and tender in her ministry and learn what it means to meet each woman where they are at. Pray that the women in this ministry would be encouraged and challenged in their faith as they walk with the Lord and step out in obedience in the ministries of their own. Ask for protection and provision for each woman.

Pray for E as she seeks clarity in her job, that she would ask good questions and be teachable as she learns. Ask that she would be approachable and kind in her workplace and that she would be confident in her skills and abilities and would work with boldness and faith. Pray for good co-workers and friends to support and encourage her.

Pray for K as she continues to adjust to being a mother to an infant and toddler, and all the extra work and effort that come with it. Pray that she would see where God is with her in the midst of sickness and sleepless nights and the constant demands of the tiny people in her care. Ask that she would have good friends who will listen to her, validate her feelings, and provide a safe place for her to share her frustrations, tiredness, and joys with. 

Tuesday, October 31 

Pray for the Greece Connection Crew as they begin their trip home, that they would be given safe travel, smooth flights and connections, and moments of deep rest and sleep. Pray that as they travel together they would continue to share the things they experienced and learn, and would be reminded again and again of how good and amazing God is. Pray for protection and peace over each woman.

Pray for the Egypt Connection Crew as they spend time getting to know one another, praying together, and experiencing new things together, that there would be a deep sense of unity and purpose. Ask that this group of women would have fun together, would be kind, compassionate, and understanding, and would see the value in the gifts and life experiences that each one brings with her. Pray for a covering of protection and holiness over this team.

Pray for R as she desires to grow closer to the Lord and hear His voice even more clearly. Ask that as He makes His voice known to her in different ways that she will trust Him and follow Him in faith and hope. Pray that as she walks into new areas of relationship with God she will never cease to be astounded at who He is, what He has done and is doing, and the glory that is His alone.

Pray for A to trust that God will provide for her and her family’s needs as He sees fit, whether that is housing or finances or peace of mind. Pray that she will see where He is with her and will be reminded of how He has been her provision all the times in the past. Ask that as she waits on Him and trusts in Him that she will be filled with hope and confidence and excitement to see where He will reveal His hand of goodness and love.

Pray for K as she asks God to continue to reveal His plan for the ministry she is involved in, that she would trust the words that He speaks and will move forward or stay in place in confidence and trust. Ask that her posture would be one of faith and willingness to let go of things that are as He invites her into new areas and relationships that He has set in place for her. Pray that she would be filled with joy and hope as she looks ahead towards what is yet to come.

Pray for F as she desires to focus on her walk with God and grow in her relationship with Him. Pray that He would bring people into her life to challenge her, hold her accountable, and point her towards Jesus in a consistent manner. Ask for grace and compassion as she learns new facets of who God is and who she is in Him, that she would trust Him as He shows her places and relationships in her life that may need to be shifted so that she will become more like Him in new ways and areas within her own heart and mind. 


Azmera EGYPT Haven Retreat 2023 | Prayer Calendar (November 1-7)


Azmera GREECE Haven Retreat 2023 | Prayer Calendar (October 18-24)