Azmera TANZANIA Haven Retreat 2024 | Prayer Calendar (February 26-March 2)

Hello! This is the final week of praying for the Tanzania Haven Retreat! Thank you for praying with us; your prayers and the time you spend praying are significant. Please pray as the Lord leads, and as you do so may you be encouraged as you listen to His voice and spend time in His presence.

Monday, February 26

The Tanzania Haven Retreat ends today! Pray for the women as they gather one last time to worship, pray, and learn together, that this time would be holy and infused with the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. Ask for joy and abundant life and laughter to cover this group of women one last time, for the things shared and received to be protected in each heart and mind.

Pray for the Connection Crew as they spend one last morning serving, listening, and praying for the women attending, that they would be energized, focused, and rested. Pray for a continued sensitivity and obedience to the voice of the Holy Spirit, that there would be love and compassion as words of truth are shared in boldness and love. Ask for a sense of peace over this group of women as they spend time debriefing and processing the things that have happened the past few days.

Pray for Y as she works to balance the busyness of ministry with her personal life and walk with God. Pray that she would feel confident in putting herself first in making time to connect with the Lord on an intimate level, and for time to care for herself and her needs. Ask that her team and the community around her would support and encourage her as she creates new boundaries to have a healthy balance between work and life.

Tuesday, February 27

Pray for L as she desires to grow in deeper intimacy and faith with God, to know Him deeper and in ways she has not yet experienced. Pray that as she seeks His face, she will know His presence and see Him answer her prayers, as He draws her closer to Himself and reveals new aspects of who He is to her. Ask for a greater love, patience, and Jesus-perspective for those around her.

Pray for J as she asks for healing and intimacy in her marriage. Pray she would be bold and compassionate with her words and her actions, that she would see new areas where God is with her and where He is working, in both her and husband’s hearts and minds; pray protection over them as they seek to reconcile and heal individually and as a couple. Ask for grace for their son as they long for him to thrive in Africa, for friends and community to come his way, for him to be comfortable to be himself and know a peer group that is authentic and welcoming.

Pray for S as she grieves the loss of her baby that she waited so long for, that she would know God with her in the darkest and deepest places of her heart and mind. Ask for her to trust Him as He reveals Himself to her, and offers her comfort and peace in ways she doesn’t know she needs, that she would walk towards Him with courage and faith, and that she would know He is safe. Pray for healing over her body, and for her to have a support system that will sit in silence and faith with her.

Pray for P as she looks to God for direction and guidance in what the next steps should be after her contract with her church ends in June. Ask for wisdom and discernment and open eyes and ears as she listens as God speaks, that she would know His voice and would be confident in His leading. Pray for a soft heart as she trusts in Him and begins to see where He is leading her and how He is providing for everything she needs as this season ends and a new one begins.


Wednesday, February 28

Pray for the Connection Crew as they begin their trip back home, for protection over each one in travels, rest, and preparing for family, jobs, and responsibilities that are waiting for them. Ask for there to be kindness and compassion with one another and with themselves as they deal with traveling and being tired from the things they gave of themselves during this retreat. Pray for each one to hold close to her heart the things she experienced and saw God do, and the encounters each one had with God in personal ways outside of ministry.

Pray for S and her family/team as they ask for and trust God with partners for their ministry, both those who can contribute financially and those who will come to work alongside them. Ask that they would be bold in their asking and would see God move mountains for them as they wait in faith and hope. Pray for an increase in wisdom, knowledge, and understanding, for confidence and trust in making decisions and leading their team.

Pray for H as she helps with the process of transitioning the hospital to the local church, with the challenges and conversations that need to take place so that things are done in a healthy and good way. Pray for her as she navigates her role, makes decisions, and trusts those around her with the new responsibilities and tasks at hand. Ask that she would know the presence of God with her in a very unique and significant way through this transition period.

Pray for E and her family as they continue to readjust to life back in Africa after time spent in the US the past few months. Pray for protection and peace over her and her family, for a continued healthy pregnancy and baby, and for hope as they look ahead to what the coming months will bring. Ask that the time they spent with family, friends, and supporters in the US will continue to encourage them and remind them of the things God has set before them.


Thursday, February 29

Pray for D and her husband as they navigate leading their team well, saying “yes” to the needs that arise around them, and for wisdom and discernment as they begin discussing relocating and retiring. Pray that she would be bold in accepting the invitations to rest and refresh herself, that she would feel peace in saying “no” as she trusts those things into God’s hands and not her own. Ask for her to see how God is creating space for her to stop and be still with Him, to refocus her heart and mind on who she is and what God has for her right now.

Pray for S as she balances ministry with being a wife and mother first, for courage and boldness in putting her family first, and knowing that God will honor her as she does so. Ask for protection, healing, and wholeness over her son and his health and well-being, that they would have wisdom and discernment in what steps they are taking on his behalf. Pray for them to see tangible fruit from the work of their hands in the ministries they’re involved in, that there would be fullness of health and life in the groups they lead.

Pray for A and the transitions she is in the midst of with moving and returning to life and ministry in Africa. Pray there would be peace in her heart and over her mind as she readjusts, that there would be a calm and stillness spoken over her and any struggles she has with moving and being away from family and what is familiar and comfortable. Ask for a soft and open heart, for her to see not only what God is doing around her, but what He is inviting her into; pray for a release and courage in her heart and mind as she trusts God in new ways and in deeper levels.

Pray for Z as she continues to set in place plans for this year, that she would trust God with the big picture and with the small details of every day. Ask for unity among the churches, the leaders, and community in her area, that she would be an instrument of peace and kindness among them. Pray for God’s protection and presence over her and the ministries she’s involved in, that she would walk in boldness and confidence wherever she goes.


Friday, March 1

Pray for A as she works in the business sector, that she would know her presence is a reflection of Jesus, that wherever she goes He is with her, and those around her encounter Him through her. Pray for her to be filled with a new anointing of grace and hope as she continues to serve both God and those around her. Ask for an outpouring of joy and abundant life as she keeps her eyes trained on the Lord.

Pray for K as she uses her love of baking to teach women to make cakes and build relationships with them, for her to know that she shares Christ with those around her through her actions and words of knowledge in baking. Ask that she would see how God is blessing the words of her mouth and the work of her hands, that she would continue to walk in faith and trust in her ministry and friendships. Pray for peace over her heart and mind for her son in CA; for her to trust God with the work He is doing in her son’s life, to know that God’s grace is great and His love for her son is greater.

Pray for S to know how much God delights in her and loves her, that she would walk in the fullness of knowing she is loved with an everlasting love. Pray for protection over her as she walks in confidence of being beloved, that she as she moves and speaks with boldness and confidence, nothing would be allowed to come against her. Ask that she would be filled with a new sense of the power of the Holy Spirit through her, and would see the mountains move as she walks in a new pathway of faith.

Pray for A to trust that God is who He says He is, and that He will do for her what He has said He will do. Ask that as she waits on Him He will give her a new strength and perspective to the work He is doing, that she will be able to see tangible expressions of His word being fulfilled around her. Pray that she would allow Him to refresh and revive her spirit and heart.


Saturday, March 2

Pray for Christina and the Board of Directors as they continue to lead Azmera and the direction of this organization, that there would be a constant spirit of unity, trust, and surrender as God leads. Pray for wisdom and discernment in who Azmera partners within finances, ministry and for those invited to volunteer on Connection Crews for Haven Retreats. Pray for humility and faith as God asks things of this organization and the women that lead it that may stretch and challenge their understanding of who He is and how He works.

Pray for the Haven Retreats that are planned for the rest of this year, for God to provide abundantly in finances to host the retreats, as well as for the finances of those attending and volunteering. Pray for God to bring into alignment all the pieces that need to work together for the retreats and service of those looking ahead at what is yet to come.

Finally, Thank You Friends! We say it after every retreat, but the ministry, service, and “things” that happen during these times of retreat would not happen the way they do without your partnership with us through your faithful prayers, and we are so grateful. We truly hope the time you spent with the Lord praying for these retreats was sanctified and personal to you, that you were able to connect with Him and hear His voice as He led you in prayer. 

Now for you! May you, beloved, blessed, and called by name, be reminded of how great the Father’s love is for you alone. May you trust Him in deeper ways as He calls you out, and may you take shaky steps of faith as you keep your eyes on His face. May you know that God is for you, that He is on your side, that He will always fight for you, provide for you, and be with you. May you see Him work in miraculous ways, and may you never cease to be amazed at what He does. May your heart be filled to the fullness of the goodness of God, and may it change the way you live. 

- suzanna


Azmera BOLIVIA Haven Retreat 2024 | Prayer Calendar (April 7- 13)


Azmera TANZANIA Haven Retreat 2024 | Prayer Calendar (February 20-25)