Azmera VIETNAM and INDONESIA 2025 | Prayer Calendar (February 14 - 20)

Greetings, once again! Thank you for your prayers for the Vietnam Haven Retreat over this past week, we so appreciate it, so keep them coming! This coming week will see us fully into that Haven Retreat, wrapping it up, and then transitioning to the Indonesia Haven Retreat next Friday; it is a busy season. Please be reminded that the expectation is not to pray for everything listed here, but to simply ask the Lord to lead you as you pray, as He knows what the need is beyond what our eyes can see. May you be blessed and encouraged in your prayer time this week.

Friday, February 14 

Today is the first full day of the Vietnam Haven Retreat! Pray for the Connection Crew as they facilitate table conversation, times of prayer and are present with the women around them. Ask for a continued spirit of unity and humility, and a sensitivity to the needs of each woman they interact with. Pray they would be attentive to the voice of the Lord and would act, speak, and remain silent when they feel the urging of the Holy Spirit.

Pray for the Women attending, as they get settled in, continue to make connections, and find the space to rest and breathe deeply. Pray they would sense the presence and protection of the Holy Spirit wherever they go, that they would know spaces of safety and love and would be willing to share the hard things as well as the joys with the women around them. Pray for each woman to encounter the Lord in specific ways, that they would be reminded of the truths they may have pushed aside.

Pray for Crystal as she meets with women to offer Spiritual Direction, encouragement, and guidance in their walks with the Lord. Ask that she would be sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s leading and have open ears and an open heart as the women share with her. Pray for her to speak in boldness, compassion, and love. Pray also that she would be able to rest and feel healthy and well during her time on this trip, for good sleep and no pain of any kind. 

Pray for Tracy, Vicki, Patricia, Alana, Cheryl, Tabitha, and Cindy as they serve the women through giving pedicures and being available for conversations and just being present. Pray they would be full of energy, focus and desire to come alongside the women they serve. Ask for a team spirit and heart among this group of women.


Saturday, February 15 

Pray for the second full day of the Vietnam Haven Retreat! Ask that as the women continue to gather to share in worship, teaching prayer, and connection that there would be breakthrough, surrender, and recognition of how much God loves them. Ask for the Connection Crew to be rested and energized each day, with a willingness to serve, speak, and ask as the Lord directs them. Pray for a spirit of light and fun as the women relax and connect in the afternoon and evening.

Pray for Tary and Katherine as they facilitate the Create Stations and create an environment of fun, welcome, and peace. Pray for good communication and a sensitivity to those around them. Ask for this space to be covered in the light-hearted presence of the Holy Spirit.

Pray for Kelly as she gives through the gift of massage. Ask for God to strengthen her hands and give peace and focus to her heart and mind as she serves each woman. Pray for good rest each night and excitement for what each day will bring. Pray for Gwen as she cuts and styles hair and makes space for the women who will sit in the chair in front of her. Pray for her to have an increase in compassion and kindness as she provides a unique space of sharing and listening with the women attending. Ask that as each woman leaves her presence they would not only feel beautiful and refreshed, but loved and heard as well.

Pray for Karen and Jenelle as they counsel women one-on-one. Pray they would both be filled with the power and confidence of the Holy Spirit, and would speak in love and compassion and listen with open ears and hearts to the things that are shared, and the things that are not. Ask for protection over each of these women as they speak truth and love into the women they counsel, that there would be an atmosphere of holiness and the fiery power of God in each room they use.


Sunday, February 16

The Vietnam Haven Retreat ends today! Pray for the women as they gather one last time to share, encourage, and be prayed over, for the atmosphere in the meeting spaces to be heavy with the presence of the Lord. Pray for words of wisdom, truth, and love to be shared and received as the Holy Spirit guides; for the Connection Crew to be sensitive to His voice and to act in obedience, even when it is scary. Pray for the women attending to know and accept the blessings and coverings of hope and truth that will be spoken over them, that the words given by Jesus will hold power and will take root in their hearts and minds. 

Pray for the Indonesia Connection Crew as they begin their journey overseas. Pray that this group of women would connect well with one another and would have the same focus of mind and heart. Pray for safe travels, smooth connections and to be able to rest as much as possible on the trip over.

Pray for C as she balances working at her daughter’s school with maintaining things at home, as well as making time for herself and the friendships she has. Ask for peace of mind over her as she leaves her family for the Haven Retreat, especially that her toddler will be okay while she is gone. Pray for her heart and mind to be renewed and refreshed during the time she is away, that she will encounter the Holy Spirit in significant and divine ways. 

Pray for A to know a season of peace and rest, as she has endured a rough couple of months and is looking for healing physically, mentally, and emotionally. Pray she would have wisdom and discernment in how she spends her time as she pursues healing, that she would create healthy boundaries and know freedom and peace as she does so. Ask for protection and safety over her as she creates healthier routines and relationships. 


Monday, February 17

Pray for the Vietnam Connection Crew and the time they will spend debriefing and sharing the things they experienced and witnessed over the past few days. Pray for a sense of unity, compassion, and an environment to share hard things and be encouraged to entrust those things to the Lord’s hand. Ask that the time they spend together will be fun, life-giving, and filled with the presence of the Holy Spirit.

Pray for the women leaving the Vietnam Haven Retreat, as they head back to jobs, families, ministries, and the responsibilities they set aside for a few days. Ask that as they return to pick up the mantles they would do so with hope for the things God revealed to them, as well as deep feelings of contentment and rest through the things they experienced over the past four days. Pray for a sense of anticipation and light for what God has in store for them in the coming months.

Pray for V as she transitions into a new branch of ministry, that she would trust the Lord’s leading and guidance and see where He is at work, how He has provided, and what He is inviting her into. Ask for a soft heart and open mind as she desires to reflect who Christ is to those around her, that she will follow God wholeheartedly. Ask that God would show her the fruit of the work of her hands, that she would be encouraged and energized in this new season of life and ministry. 

Pray for M as she continues to transition and readjust to being back on the field after being away on Home Assignment. Pray that God would bring new friends and support into her life to help with the loneliness she is experiencing, even amidst the excitement of a new season. Ask for focus as she faces the challenges of language study, for grace and patience with herself as she learns new things. 

Pray for K as she navigates working overseas with traveling back-and-forth to the US to care for her aging parents. Pray for an increase in financial provision as the cost of this season is high, literally and figuratively. Ask for God’s grace and presence in her life as she loves on her parents, that as she trusts God with their salvation they would see Him through her words and actions and would come to know Him for their own.


Tuesday, February 18

Pray for the Vietnam Connection Crew as they begin their trip home. Pray for safety, rest, and smooth flights and connections. Ask that as they travel together there would be a continued sense of community and connection, and more opportunities to share things learned, seen, and heard. Pray each woman would be going home filled with a new sense of purpose and focus, as well as a deeper connection to the Lord from the time spent in Vietnam.

Pray for Y as she desires to continue walking closely with the Lord, for her to keep her eyes fixed on Him and trust Him as He leads. Ask that she would know a deep joy and confidence in who she is, in who God has created her to be. Pray for her to have open ears and heart as she listens to His voice and follows as He leads. 

Pray for E to have discernment as she balances her emotional needs with those of her family, that she would be wise in creating safe spaces and boundaries for herself and her family. Pray for wisdom and confidence as she trains and builds up leaders in her church, that she would be gentle and understanding with those in her care as the church prepares for big transitions this year. Ask that she would give grace and be humble and compassionate with herself and those around her. 

Pray for C as she looks for healthy balances in all areas of her life - full-time work, language lessons, and being a mother to four young children. Ask that she would prioritize time for herself to rest and recharge, that she would see the blessing of taking care of herself first so that she can be fully present and available for the needs of those around her. 

Pray for A as she steps into a new position of leadership in the coming months, that she would walk with confidence and humility as she learns new things and takes on new responsibilities. Pray for wisdom as she balances the excitement of what is coming with the season of rest she is in, that she would use her time wisely and for her good. Ask for God’s continued provision and an awareness of His presence with her.


Wednesday, February 19

Pray for the Indonesia Connection Crew as they settle in and get to work preparing for the Haven Retreat. Pray for good rest and refreshed energy each day. Ask that the time they spend together in prayer and preparation would be fun, encouraging and there would be a sense of unity and humility among this group of women. 

Pray for R to have wisdom as she seeks direction for ministry and life for this year specifically, that she would make time to sit and be still with Jesus, to lean in and hear his voice. Pray for a new level of trust and faith as she follows where God leads, that she would walk in confidence and hope in areas she may not have known or considered before. Ask for protection over her in this season. 

Pray for W as she attends the Haven Retreat, that the time she spends there will be life-giving, encouraging, and refreshing. Ask that she would see God’s provision for her for this time away, that she would give Him glory and walk in gratitude. Pray for her to encounter Jesus in specific ways, to be reminded of His love for her and how precious she is to Him and those around her, that she would walk with new confidence and hope for what is yet to come. 

Pray for A to create new routines of discipline for herself, to create healthy boundaries and see the fruit of these decisions as she follows through with them. Pray for her brother and father who do not yet know the Lord, that they would encounter the love of Jesus through her words and actions and would be drawn to Him. Ask that she would know a new joy and hope as she trusts in the Lord and follows His leading with faith. 

Pray for T to walk with a new confidence of the covering of the Lord’s protection over her and presence with her. Pray she would be emboldened to speak the truth when previously she may have stayed silent, knowing that she has been gifted and called by God to be an instrument of peace. Ask for an increase in sensitivity to the Holy Spirit’s voice, for her to know His voice and move and speak in obedience.


Thursday, February 20

Pray for Christina as she shifts her focus from the Vietnam Haven Retreat to the Indonesia Haven Retreat, that she would be present and available to the women who will gather in Indonesia. Pray for deep rest and renewal for her physically and spiritually, that she would be intentional about the time she spends with the Lord to allow Him to refocus her heart and mind and give her peace. Ask for a continued spirit of obedience and humility, and a gracious and willing spirit to follow as the Lord leads and as others encourage her.

Pray for Sarah as she facilitates the behind-the-scenes of the Indonesia Haven Retreat in her role of Retreat Specialist. Ask that she would have clear and open communication with those around her, and would have a mindset of calm and peace as situations arise that will need her presence and decision making. Pray that she would encounter the Lord in unique ways during her time in Indonesia, that areas of her heart will be called out and encouraged as only God can do, that she would be fulfilled and know how loved she is. 

Pray for R to trust Jesus as He invites her into new things, whether that is job and ministry, or relationship or stepping back into places of rest. Ask for a desire and excitement to walk into new places with the Lord, knowing that what He has for her will be good. Pray for a deeper sense of joy and hope as she enters a new season in her relationship with Jesus. 

Pray for M to know deep rest and renewal from the time she spent at the Vietnam Haven Retreat. Pray that the words of truth and love spoken to and over her will take root in her heart and mind and will change how she sees herself and her own belovedness to God. Ask for a deepening of faith and trust in the Lord as she walks in truth with confidence and shares what she has learned with boldness.

Pray for N to know joy again, that she would see where God is at work in and around her, and in that seeing would know peace, joy, and the love of her heavenly Father. Pray that God would bring someone into her life to walk with her and give her spiritual direction as she seeks to learn and continue growing. Ask that she would know God deeply in the midst of the trials and challenges she is facing with the school she is involved with.


Azmera INDONESIA 2025 | Prayer Calendar (February 21 - 27)


Azmera VIETNAM 2025 | Prayer Calendar (February 7 - 13)