Azmera INDONESIA 2025 | Prayer Calendar (February 21 - 27)

Hello, Friends!

Thank you for being here as we continue to pray for the Indonesia Haven Retreat, as well as the women both attending and serving on the Connection Crew. Please pray as the Lord leads you, trusting that He is with you. We hope you are blessed and encouraged during the time you spend with Him this week


Friday, February 21 

The Indonesia Haven Retreat starts today! Pray for the Connection Crew as they spend time together on final preparations and in prayer for the next few days. Ask for a spirit of humility and unity among this group of women who have gathered to serve and be present for what the Lord has in store. 

Pray for the women attending as they arrive and get settled, that each one will feel welcomed and loved upon their first greeting. Pray they would know a space has been set aside for them to be refreshed and encouraged. Ask that there would be an awareness of the Holy Spirit, for the atmosphere in the rooms they gather to be anointed and made holy.

Pray for Peg as she will be teaching and sharing from her heart and experiences, that she will lean in towards the Lord’s voice and will trust that He will give her the words to say when she needs them. Pray for her to be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit and to speak in new ways as she walks in obedience. Pray that she would encounter Jesus in significant ways for her own heart during her time in Indonesia.

Pray for Debi as she leads the women in worship over the next few days, that as she lifts her voice to the Lord in worship she will sense His presence and will be in awe of His greatness and who she is. Ask that she would be sensitive to the voice of the Lord as she allows Him to create spaces of worship and holiness for the women around her, that she will trust His leading for moments of silence and reflection as much as for the moments of praise. Pray for rest and protection over her voice, and for health and rest for her body.

Pray for Tracy as she steps into the role of Retreat Hostess, that she would be available to those around her, and sensitive to the needs of both the women attending and the Connection Crew. Ask for her to be gracious, compassionate, and bold in her role during her time in Indonesia.


Saturday, February 22 

Pray for the first full day of the Indonesia Haven Retreat, that as the women gather to learn, worship, pray, and connect with one another there will be a sense of safety and peace over them. Ask for the Connection Crew to be well-rested and aware of the Lord’s leading as they facilitate conversations around their tables; pray for boldness and confidence in knowing when to speak and when to remain silent. Pray for the women attending as they interact with one another and experience the presence of the Lord through worship, teaching, casual and intense conversations, and the activities they will partake in. Pray for each woman to encounter the Lord in unique ways and to be reminded of how loved and precious they are.

Pray for Suzanne as she serves the women through fitness and movement, that she would be confident in her teaching and knowledge and would create a space of fun and connection for the women who join her. Ask that she would be rest and refreshed for each day and that she would experience Jesus in ways she never has before, that her own walk with Him would deepen and she would be encouraged and refreshed.

Pray for Annette, Heather, and Peg as they meet with women one-on-one for counseling, that they would trust the Lord to give them words of knowledge and truth, that they would speak in love and boldness, and allow the Holy Spirit to lead their conversations. Pray for sensitive hearts and open ears during each conversion, and for them to hand over to the Lord the things they heard at the end of each day, knowing the things shared with them are not theirs to continue to be carried.

Pray for Christine and Julia as they facilitate the Create Stations, and that the atmosphere they create will be one of welcome, rest, and fun. Pray for energy and focus as they connect with the women joining them, for both of these women to be sensitive to the needs of those around them, as well as to the voice and leading of the Lord. Ask that they would have fun and would see Jesus as they serve.

Pray for S to have a sense of clarity and focus as she seeks the Lord for wisdom in knowing how to proceed for this next season coming up. Ask that she would be intentional in making time to sit with God and listen for His voice. Pray for a deeper trust and faith as she walks forward in obedience, that she would be confident in the Lord’s direction and calling.


Sunday, February 23 

Pray for the second full day of the Indonesia Haven Retreat. Pray that as the women gather to connect and share with one another, there will be a continued sense of Jesus in their midst, inviting them to a deeper connection and relationship with Him. Pray for a spirit of boldness and peace as the women worship, pray, and are given words of life and truth during times of teaching, worship, and activities during the day. Pray for the Connection Crew to continue to be united in heart and thought as they minister together,and for there to be a spirit of fun, rest, and connection during their time together. Pray for an increase in hearing and following the Lord’s voice and leading.

Pray for Ashley, Sarah, Christy, Kathleen, Mary Lyn, Nicole, and Margit as they serve the women through giving pedicures and being available for conversions and on-the-spot prayer. Pray they will be rested and energized for the things in store for them each day, as well as having time and space to process the things seen and heard each day.

Pray for Beth as she ministers through inner healing prayer, that she would be sensitive and obedient to the Holy Spirit. Ask for an awareness of the needs of each woman she prays with, as well as following the leading of the Lord during each encounter. Pray she would receive the good things Jesus has for her during this time in Indonesia.

Pray for Ann as she gives the gift of physical rest and healing through massage. Ask for the time she spends with women to be life-giving and restorative, that she would help create an atmosphere of rest and relaxation for the body as well as the soul. Pray for her to be able and willing to follow the Lord’s leading, even if and when it may seem strange.

Pray for S and her family as they are in a season of transition and are feeling the stress and tension from this season. Pray for rest and peace from the moving and the stress around them, that they would be intentional about slowing down and giving one another space to breathe and find calm. Ask for a new sense of rootedness and renewal in the Lord in this season, so that they would each be encouraged and filled with a new sense of purpose and hope.

Monday, February 24

The Indonesia Haven Retreat ends today. Pray for the women as they gather together one final time for teaching, worship, prayer, and connection. Ask that there would be a spirit of unity, hope, and freedom as they share this final morning together. Pray that the words of truth, love, and life spoken over each one will be blessed by the Lord and will become rooted in each heart and mind as the Lord sees fit. 

Pray for the Connection Crew as they send the women off and spend time resting and debriefing together. Pray for gentleness, honesty, and safe spaces to be vulnerable as they share with one another the different things they witnessed and experienced. Pray for the women leading these sessions to be in tune with the Holy Spirit, to allow room for the women to process, support, and encourage one another. Ask that there would be space and time provided to rest as each one needs.

Pray for F and her family as they readjust to being in their country of service after a visit back to the U.S. Ask that the time spent there with family and friends will have strengthened relationships and will continue to be an encouragement to them and those they left behind. Ask for wisdom and knowledge as they raise their young daughters and as they navigate a different culture and expectations around marriage and family.

Pray for M and her team as they minister through video and audio clips and music, for the time spent training and recording to be fun, and for them to begin seeing the fruit of their work. Pray for protection over her and her team as they travel and spend concentrated time with one another, for harmony and peace in the team, and for times of encouragement and renewal.

Pray for L to have a deeper sense of trust and faith that God will use her in the various ministries she is involved in, to spread the love of Jesus and make His Name known. Ask that she would be filled with joy and hope as she shares the love of Jesus in practical ways to those around her, that she would know His presence and peace with her. Pray for protection and light to be with her as she walks in darker places to bring hope and grace to those in need.


Tuesday, February 25 

Pray for V as she desires to be a witness to those she works with, particularly those in senior positions above her. Pray she would know God’s presence with her, and would trust that He is revealing Himself to those around her through her faithfulness to and love for Him. Ask for an increase in sensitivity to His voice, so that she would speak in boldness and confidence as He leads.

Pray for B and her family to experience God’s protection and provision for them as they work and move in insecure and potentially dangerous areas. Pray they would walk in faith, but also with caution as they listen to the Lord’s leading and direction, trusting His voice and obeying without question. Ask for them to see the fruit of the work of their hands, and to be encouraged that God is at work and will be making His Name known through their faithfulness.

Pray for J as she senses the Lord inviting her to be still, that she would accept that invitation to enter His rest and know peace. Ask for clarity of heart and mind as she seeks His leading and guidance towards the unknowns of the next season for her, and for her to know Him deeply as she stops to be still and allow Him to meet her heart in the midst of tiredness and uncertainty. Pray for her to trust Him and follow as He leads, even as she longs to hold on to the familiar and known, she would hear His voice and would have faith that what He has for her will be good.

Pray for R as she is longing for a breakthrough in her life, longing for a fresh revelation of God’s love for her and delight in her. Ask that the words of truth and life spoken over her at the Haven Retreat will take root in her heart and mind and will give her new confidence in who she is and in how God has created her. Pray for a deeper sense of awareness of God’s presence with her at all times, that the knowledge of Him beside her will fill her with new boldness and power of the Holy Spirit.

Pray for G as she and her family adjust to having a larger team than they’ve had before. Pray for compassion, kindness, and understanding as they all juggle new personalities, ways of doing things, and being united in heart and purpose. Ask that this team would be unified and work together for the good of those around them, and that they would be humble and genuine in their service to one another and to the community they are working with.


Wednesday, February 26

Pray for the Connection Crew as they begin their trip home, for safety in traveling, smooth flights, and no missed connections or missing luggage. Pray they would all be able to rest as much and as well as possible. Ask that they would continue to process with one another the time they spent together, as well as encourage each other for the things that lie ahead and are waiting for them when they get back to their families, jobs, and routines. 

Pray for C to know God’s protection and provision over the ministry respite center she manages, so that she would be able to see God’s hand at work in and through her. Ask that those who come to the center for rest and renewal will sense the presence and love of the Lord through her words and actions and the spaces she creates. Pray she will know God in new ways through her encounters with those she serves.

Pray for V to have experienced deep fellowship and new friendship with the women she attended the Haven Retreat with, that the dry season of community she is coming from will be watered and she will be refreshed and restored. Pray for new friendships and people in the area she lives to create community with, so that she would not feel alone or lonely, but would have others of like minds and hearts to connect with. 

Pray for K as she desires spiritual renewal and refreshment, that the time spent at the Haven Retreat will have met those desires in ways she never expected. Ask that as she gets back into the rhythms and routines of life she will carry with her those experiences and encounters with the Lord, that it will continue to renew and refresh her on a daily basis. Pray she would be intentional about the time she spends with the Lord, that she will allow Him to speak life and truth and refreshment to her on a consistent basis, and that she will see the fruit of the time spent with Him.

Pray for D and her family as they prepare for a trip back to the U.S. in April, that they will see God’s provision in both finances and in emotional and mental stability and support for someone going back with them for the first time, who has PTSD. Pray for protection and immediate community and support for them once they are back, that they will enter rest and know God’s presence with them in and through all things.


Thursday, February 27 

Pray for L and the arthritis she’s been experiencing in her knees. Pray for relief of pain and discomfort, and wisdom to know what steps to take to keep herself healthy and on the move. Ask for her to know when to slow down and rest, and to be able to give herself grace as physical changes take place.

Pray for A as she desires a deeper walk with God; pray she would be proactive in seeking Him, as well as making time to be still and listen to His voice and the words of life and love that He has for her. Ask for wisdom and discernment for her and her husband as they ask the Lord for direction and leading for the next steps in their journey, that as they walk in obedience their faith and trust will deepen.

Pray for K as she continues to adjust to living in a new country, and is continuing to deal with the government and the added fees and wait on visas and the processes of everything being slow. Ask for patience and understanding, as well as trust that God is at work even in the muddiness of the wait. Pray for kindness for herself and those around her as she learns new customs and experiences a different cultural environment.

Pray for C and her desire for her goddaughter A to come to know the Lord and to walk with Him. Pray she would be compassionate and loving towards her, and would exemplify the grace and kindness of Jesus to all those around her. Ask that she would continue to trust God to meet A where she is and know that He has her best interest at heart.

Pray for G and the time she spent at the Haven Retreat, that it will have been life-giving, fulfilling, and refreshing. Ask that as she returns home to continue her sabbatical and rest that she will be re-energized and filled with a new vision and purpose for her ministry. Pray for her to walk in the truths she was reminded of, and to have a deeper sense of joy and contentment.


Azmera INDONESIA 2025 | Prayer Calendar (February 28 - March 2)


Azmera VIETNAM and INDONESIA 2025 | Prayer Calendar (February 14 - 20)